Issue using node-red

I’ve HA and node-red installed in separate dockers on MacOS.

I’ve configured a few integrations on HA, like zone, life360, mjpeg camera, which works fine.

node-red container image is “nodered/node-red-docker:v8”, “node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket” has been added. I am following this video to learn how to use: Using long lived token to connect to HA url.

Now at 4:12 minutes of the video, when start typing in the entity id, it auto populates available choices. But in my node-red, it didn’t. Is there any setting I’m missing? How to test if the connection to HA is ok?



After adding the ha we sockets node, restart nodered container

Thanks Adrian.
I did restart the nodered container, but still no entity id popup. I checked developer tools in HA, there are entity exist, such as “zone.home”.