i’ve been bussy trying to get the frontend to fit my prefferences and so far all went well.
That is untill today when I duplicated my theme, renamed it dark, changed the colors and the background image. Ive tried many things so far but i’m unable to make this work.
The issue is that it seems to cache the card background color on card type : picture-elements
i’ve tried overruling this background by giving the card a background-color: var(–background-card-color) while the color rendered was correct, it also didn’t recieve an update upon swapping the theme.
i’m using the common script with input select to swap my theme live.
Anyone else noticed this? Of is this just me?
EDIT: I just noticed that when i resize my browser window past a css break point, the styles get updated. So my guess is that there is an issue with the picture-element card not updating on running frontend.set_theme ? Could anyone confirm?