Issue with dark mode theme

Hi everybody,

I have the same issue with all dark themes i tried… when I’m going to the to configuration/integrations/ and for example deCONZ, i can not read correctly the list… the most efficient one is “dark_cyan” like the screenshot below :

Can you tell me what to do to change this? I try to take care of my eyes :sweat_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Add the following to your themes:

  card-background-color: "var(--paper-card-background-color)"

Thanks for your reply, so quick :slight_smile:

I just add it and the end of the theme file like this and it don’t seems to work… maybe i don’t do it right ?

did you do a restart

That’s what i missed, everything working now :ok_hand:

Thanks a lot ! :grin: