Issue with Mosquitto Broker (old sensor values)

I have found several topics related to “old values” from Mosquitto after rebooting the system.
It seems that they are somehow related to some settings - but honestly speaking, I am not sure, if this might be my case - or what I need to change to fix this issue… :frowning:

OK, here’s my setup is as following:

  1. My Wallbox (OpenWB) has a built-in Mosquitto Broker (older version)
  2. There is an Integration for the Wallbox available, which provides several sensors.
    This integration does require another Mosquitto Broker installed in HomeAssistant.

There is a documentation available, how to configure the Mosquitto broker from HA needs to be configured to run in Bridge Mode.

Here’s the configuration of my Mosquitto installation in HomeAssistant:

# bridge to openWB Wallbox
connection openwb
start_type automatic
topic openWB/# both 2
local_clientid openwb.mosquitto
try_private  false
cleansession true

Now, my problem is, that the HomeAssistant Sensors will always show old values whenever the connection to the Wallbox will be disrupted (Reboot of the Wallbox or Reboot of HomeAssistant)

Here’s an example after installing a newer Software on the Wallbox and several reboots of HomeAssistant:

As you can see, the old SW-Version was 1.9.277 and has been updated to 1.9.281
After rebooting HomeAssistant, the sensor showed the old version value again for several minutes, until the wallbox has sent a new information.

This can also be observed while using MQTT Explorer.
A few days ago, I have connected MQTT Explorer to the Broker running in HomeAssistant and another one to the Wallbox directly.

Here are both brokers compared to each other:
Both images are showing the same MQTT Topic - and you can see the “drop” in the MessagePayload on the broker running on HomeAssistant.