Issue with "number helper" ... ? is this a bug / intended?

Hi there :slight_smile:

I’ve created some “number” helpers (input_number) …
Now, I’ve noticed, that there’s no way to reconfigure them, nor to delete them!

The “Delete” option is missing in this dialog

using the cogwheel symbol in the top right cornor, there’s just an empty dialog.

Also, the three dots are only showing the option “related…” which does not show anything in my case:

So - for the sensor shown here, that’s not a big issue - I can use the “BOX” to change the value to whatever I want… (I think, up to the configured MAX)…

But - I cannot EDIT any parameters of the Helper, nor can I delete it to create a new one…

This will cause issues, when you need to adjust the max settings, for example - which can be the case.

Here, I’ve another input number which I need to increase for it’s max value.

Can someone pls. confirm if this is an issue that should be reported in github?
Or is this a considered and expected behave?

I would have guessed, at least - deleting the helper should be available…

You need to tap/click on the cog button

as mentioned:
I only get an empty dialog then (only for the input_number entities)


Do a hard cache reload.

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I was not expecting that this would be a cache-thing, if it is happening for ‘all’ entities of a specific type :smiley:


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