I recently installed 2 OpenGarage sensors in my garage, facing downward. Received less than a month ago.
My garage is a fairly standard setup, but the ceilings are a bit higher than normal - I’d estimate about 12 feet or so.
I noticed that since I switched to OpenGarage, both of my garages were reporting false “open” states for brief periods of time. So I set up a sensor template to monitor the raw distance it was seeing, and I’m seeing very strange readings.
There are anomalous sections where the distance sensor will drop to almost 0, and then slowly work its way back up to the correct reading, but it sort of “bounces” when it does it.
Here’s another fun one that took almost 2 hours to “recover”:
What could be causing this? I suppose I could set up a sensor template to discard any values that are not within the normal range of [Car / No Car / Door Open], but if this issue can be fixed instead of worked around, I’d like to know how.
Note that there is no movement or change in the garage during these times. It happens seemingly randomly.
Has anyone else seen or experienced this?