Issue with pem files from DuckDNS

The Netherlands, 27-09-2022

Hi all,

I have an issue with the .pem files. The files are created with the DuckDNS addon. I’m sure they are in the ssl directory because I can see them in the Windows file explorer witch I can use because of installing Samba share in HA.

When I add the http: section in de configuration.yaml:

ssl_certificate: ‘/ssl/fullchain.pem’
ssl_key: ‘/ssl/privkey.pem’

I validate the yaml and it seams OK. Then I do a HA restart but HA will not start again.
Fortunately from Windows I can edit the HA configuration.yaml and so I can delete the http: section in the yaml file and then after a restart of my raspberry pi HA starts again.

Btw I can reach my HA over the internet (http) so DuckDNS works but its not over a secure line (https).

So HELP, what could be wrong?

Kind regards from the Netherlands

Use the nginx proxy to simplify.