But I never get the Yes/No value to appear on my card… it is still on/off. I am using the id that I created: binary_sensor.pihole_core_updatable_off_to_no.
state: "{{ 'No' if is_state('binary_sensor.pi_hole_core_update_available', 'off') else 'Yes' }}"
I overlooked to mention that the most important thing you need to change is the first line. Change it from this:
- binary_sensor:
to this:
- sensor:
Why? Because a sensor’s states can be whatever you want but a binary_sensor’s states can only be on/off.
Normally you would simply change the binary_sensor’s device_class in order to display on/off with different words in the Lovelace UI. However, there’s no device_class that represents on/off as Yes/No.