Issue with Zigbee MOES MS-108ZR Curtain Switch Module Control of Roller Shutters in ZHA

Hello everyone,

I’ve recently embarked on a home automation project to control my roller shutters using the MOES MS-108ZR (Zigbee Curtain Switch Module+RF433). This module is connected to a Zigbee Coordinator (SONOFF ZigBee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus, EFR32MG21), which is in turn connected to a Raspberry Pi 4 running Home Assistant with ZHA (Zigbee Home Automation).

My setup also includes a Legrand Céliane roller shutter switch with three buttons: one for raising, one for lowering, and a central one for pause. Prior to the Zigbee module installation, the system worked flawlessly.

After properly installing and configuring the Zigbee dongle, I connected the MOES module as per this wiring diagram. Pairing with the coordinator went smoothly.

However, I encountered an issue when controlling the shutter through Home Assistant. Initially, the shutter would not fully open. I resolved this by adjusting the calibration_time parameter to an appropriate value, and now the shutter opens and closes properly via Home Assistant.

The current issue I’m facing is as follows: when I raise the shutter using the switch and then press the lower button, the shutter stops, as if I had pressed the pause button. Further, pressing the pause button then causes the shutter to lower. The only sequence that works normally is: raise → pause → lower.

Has anyone else encountered this issue or have suggestions on how to resolve it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support!