Issue with Zigbee MOES MS-108ZR Curtain Switch Module Control of Roller Shutters in ZHA

Hello everyone,

I’ve recently embarked on a home automation project to control my roller shutters using the MOES MS-108ZR (Zigbee Curtain Switch Module+RF433). This module is connected to a Zigbee Coordinator (SONOFF ZigBee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus, EFR32MG21), which is in turn connected to a Raspberry Pi 4 running Home Assistant with ZHA (Zigbee Home Automation).

My setup also includes a Legrand Céliane roller shutter switch with three buttons: one for raising, one for lowering, and a central one for pause. Prior to the Zigbee module installation, the system worked flawlessly.

After properly installing and configuring the Zigbee dongle, I connected the MOES module as per this wiring diagram. Pairing with the coordinator went smoothly.

However, I encountered an issue when controlling the shutter through Home Assistant. Initially, the shutter would not fully open. I resolved this by adjusting the calibration_time parameter to an appropriate value, and now the shutter opens and closes properly via Home Assistant.

The current issue I’m facing is as follows: when I raise the shutter using the switch and then press the lower button, the shutter stops, as if I had pressed the pause button. Further, pressing the pause button then causes the shutter to lower. The only sequence that works normally is: raise → pause → lower.

Has anyone else encountered this issue or have suggestions on how to resolve it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support!

It’s so sad that no one has replied to this thread for almost a year.
Just today I set up the Moes curtain/shutter controller using the zibgee2mqtt inside HA and I facing the same issue you described.
I will post here if I find the solution in the next few days or if someone already solved this please share it with us.