Issues Calendar automation

Hi all.
I’m having issues with the local calendar integration and my automation.
So I’ve created a calendar, put in some events that should trigger my automation.
Sometimes I see the automation getting triggered, but nothing shows up in the traces. When I manually run the automation then my action work.
I don’t know what I’m missing here, any help would be appreciated.

What I intend to do is: an event should trigger the automation and the automation should send a notification with the description of the event.

alias: Melding - vlaginstructie
description: ""
  - platform: calendar
    event: start
    offset: "0:0:0"
    entity_id: calendar.lokale_agenda_vlaggen
condition: []
  - service: notify.telegram
      message: "{{ state_attr('calendar.lokale_agenda_vlaggen','description') }}"
mode: single

I’ve read Local calendar - Home Assistant (, Automation trigger variables - Home Assistant (, Calendar - Home Assistant (, viewed the forum and watched Local Calendar event automation in Home Assistant (, but I haven’t been able to recieve a notification.

Another thing I’m facing is that I had {{ trigger.calendar_event.summary }} in my notification and that worked, changing it to {{ trigger.calendar_event.description }} didn’t so I had to use “{{ state_attr(‘calendar.lokale_agenda_vlaggen’,‘description’) }}”.

This the current state of my calendar, no notification and no trigger this time:

I think the problem is in your testing methodology.

Are you following the 15 minute rule during your testing?

Manually triggering bypasses the trigger and conditions completely… This is likely the cause of your other failed tests. When the trigger is bypassed, no trigger variable is created, so trigger.calendar_event.description has no value.

The automation should be:

alias: Melding - vlaginstructie
description: ""
  - platform: calendar
    event: start
    offset: "0:0:0"
    entity_id: calendar.lokale_agenda_vlaggen
condition: []
  - service: notify.telegram
      message: "{{ trigger.calendar_event.description }}"
mode: single

Thanks, I’ve completely over read the 15 minute note on Calendar - Home Assistant ( I’ve changed my testing methodology accordingly. Hope it’ll work now.

Edit: It does :grinning:, thanks again. I’ve seen some more people hurdle with this 15 minute issue and I’ve issued an RFC Mention of the 15 minute waiting period with calendars · Issue #32606 · home-assistant/ (