Issues closed without any action from devs

Because issues actually become obsolete as the project progresses.
I mean, for a project as active as HA, an issue dating from 1 year ago is like opening an issue related to Windows 95 :slight_smile:

It doesn’t help that the “google” integration doesn’t have a code owner / maintainer.
In that case, it’s likely very low on the core devs priorities, if any of them actually use the integration.

But yeah, there is an organization issue, because, by experience, even if you submit a PR to fix the issue yourself, it might very well follow the same route because core devs wouldn’t review the PR either.

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Thank you. I have no problem with processing those data. I just reporting that core integration doesn’t follow standards set for HA

so if there are a “solution” to your issue, and Dev-team is chocked … and maybe there are other “specific” issues in the core, that also have to be changed, to “convert” into your desired needs … i think maybe “time” will solved that

I feel I don’t understand your recent answer.
Those are not my needs. It’s about standards required by other HA core components.

ok, so i guess (just a guess) that Dev is “working” on these components, to “adapt” … i really don’t know, having bump into any issues, yet, thou i don’t use Google calendar, or no other calendars, and maybe i just haven’t paid any attentions to the "missing T divider ( guess that’s why i haven’t experienced any issues)

edit: im wrong, i do use “calendars”, when looking at history, log-files, sqlite-web, grafana, influx etc, and sqlite-web don’t seems to have the T in “overview” … maybe that starts to anoy me now :slight_smile:

not only T is missing. Timezone is missing too.

That i stumble into, don’t remember where, maybe in initial setup, or “creating” Zone(but not using it in any automation’s), that would/could be a higher prioritized issue, in my opinion.

edit: Maybe i notice that im running homeassistant os, in VM, not in Container or Supervised ( this might “disqualifies” my opinions, and solutions in this matter … don,t even remember if it was in my “Supervised”, or current VM i’ve stumbled into an “issue” with Timezone

edit2: Button-line in my “perspective” is " If i can fix it, it’s not an issue" it’s just a “.” in a never perfect world

No it’s not an issue anymore. It’s cancelled issue by a bot.

Sorry, maybe me who confuse “Topics” with “issues” , i have to learn(be more warm) in here, clicking “topics” that might be relevant to me … thou auto-closed or closed-by-dev(for what ever reason, is per definition an action

I understand your frustration; I kept an issue open for over two years and it was never resolved. The bug still exists but it probably affects very few users; it wasn’t a hill worth fighting for so I moved on.

I’m not frustrated because it’s left not done. I am because it disappears from list of reported issues without serious reason. Actually without even looking at this.
Not enough resources or low severity doesn’t justify closing the issue.
After that there is no chance such an issue will be ever picked up. No developer goes through closed issues just to find those untouched. Closed is considered done. It’s so simple that I’m asking myself why am I wasting time over here.

Got it, so topic/issue is that … "Dev’s definition for their auto-bot should be “revised” or in fact, they should not have an “auto-bot”

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Busy people

If it’s important, it will come back up

Those are so pointless arguments that not worth further explanation

I agree closed issues too soon is frustrating.

Have you considered fixing the issue yourself and send pull request ?

Hard to call it consideration. not that this thought didn’t cross my mind. But I have a lot of other activities which limit me to be a reporter only (which is also under big question-mark after seeing how easily my work is being thrown to the trash)

Anyway regardless my answer, it doesn’t change the fact that current policy is hard to understand. The only valid argument I think of is creating an impression that HA has very low number of issues. Which would be BS then of course.

Between 300 and 450 issues are created each week. Between 600 and 1000 PRs are merged each month. The average month has 5 weeks, that’s 1500 issues to 600 fixes. The bot is in place to keep relevant issues in the queue while filtering out issues that are not issues (more support). The bot ends up cleaning those types of issues automatically because users find the error in their setup and fix it. This puts the control in the users hands to keep issues alive if the issue is in fact an issue. It’s not a perfect system, but it’s one of the only ways to keep the issue list manageable with the resources we have available. This system works very well when integrations have code-owners. Unfortunately, the issue in question was written against a code-ownerless integration, meaning it will have to be addressed by the core team when they get to it. This could take months or years. Also the issue in question is a housekeeping issue. It will most likely get fixed when someone decides to update calendars. You’d be surprised how often this happens because this is the best way for new developers to get hands on experience with Home Assisant. In reality, you have 2 options, keep the issue alive when the bot responds, or let the issue fade and wait for a fix.

I also want to clarify that I’m not looking for an arugment. I’m explaining the reasoning. Please do not pick apart this reasoning as I did not come up with the system. Any comments will fall on deaf ears with me as I don’t want to argue yet another aspect of home assistant with you.

I am willing to help you get to the root of the problem though.

In relation to the issue itself, fixing this (or not fixing this) should have no impact on you as a breaking change. If you’re using it with templates, as_timestamp, as_datetime, as_local all handle isoformats that do or don’t inlcude the T, so you should be good to go regardless if this issue is alive, fixed, or not fixed. This of course is assuming that the attribute in question is a string.

If it’s a datetime object, then you are being fooled by the display. Datetime objects when displayed to the user do not include the T. You can simply test this in the template editor by using the template {{ now() }}.

You’ll notice that it doesn’t include the T, however the object type is not an isoformatted string, it’s a datetime object. Looking at the code for calendars, it seems as if these are all datetime objects indicating this is not a bug. However, I can’t confirm that because I do not use a calendar.

Either way, you can test this out by extracting the attribute in a template with {{ state_sttr('', 'start_time').hour }}. If that template returns a value, then you are being fooled by the display in the states screen and there is no bug. If that template errors, then it can be considered a bug and your issue is valid.

And finally, the requirement for ISO formatting strings or supplying a datetime object is only currently applied to device_class: timestamp sensor states, not attributes.


no, I’m not fooled by UI. Those attribute values are passed in this form via WS api (ie to NodeRed).
The fact timestamp sensor requires iso format with time zone was triggered my issue since I copy data from attributes to timestamp sensor. It’s fair to expect all data follows the same conventions. Devs should appreciate someone found an issue related to the recent changes to timestamp format.

If it’s indeed FE or API issue, it should be analyzed by a developer and redirected if needed. Hope you don’t expect the expertise from the reporter.
Obviously none of them gonna happen for already closed issue.

I have third one: to not waste time reporting issues. Thank you.

Humor me and place those templates into the template editor and take a screenshot. I’m just curious.

Now() returns time representation without “T” but with timezone.