Issues configuring 2 Network adaptors on Windows

(sorry if this is the wrong subforum, seemed like the most appropriate one)
One of our PCs at home is connected to the network via WiFi and LAN.
The LAN is provided via a DLAN (Power-Lan) Adapter that can’t be used for anything else but “getting the WOL signal” (it caps at like 100kbs, bad wiring in the apartment).

The issue is though that if the LAN card is active, Windows prioritizes the LAN card for everything.
Adjusting the Interface Metric for the LAN and WiFi card only yielded “minor success”. As the WAN connections were now properly going through the WiFi card but LAN connections got stuck on the slow LAN card.
(So for example, opening speed test etc was full-on speed, but placing a file on the NAS took ages.)

Did anyone have a similar setup or knows a good workaround for it?
I was suggested to deactivate the Network card in Windows and WoL should still work due to it being active in the BIOS but I guess my motherboard doesn’t support it (?) and WoL stopped working.

This has noting to do with Home Assistant, please ask this in a windows forum or similar.

fair enough

Agree that this probably is the wrong forum, but still…
Since wake on lan is pure layer 2, you can run it on a network without dhcp or any IP enabled at all. So just ensure that the PCs don’t get an IP address or a default route on the cabled interface, and all traffic should go out on the WiFi.