I am quite new to HA and have paired my IKEA bulb and remote to ZHA using a (recommended) Sonoff Zigbee dongle.
The light control works well through Home Assistant and automations seem to be ok. However, I am wondering how I can extract one of the colours from the bulb. As the bulb and remote were bound together from the factory, pressing the left and right buttons on the remote (E1524) changes the colour/colour temperature of the (I think RGBW) bulb to some nice presets. However, when you use these buttons on the remote, HA is unaware of the change so there is no way to work out what the colour set by the remote actually is in order to use it in automations. Does anyone know how to work this out?
In addition, is there a way to unbind the remote and bulb, so that all remote signals go through HA automations, rather than immediately triggering the bulb? I have tried Settings->Devices->ZHA->select the remote->device info->manage zigbee device->bindings->select the light->unbind, but this seems to do nothing.
Thank you in advance for any help with this!