Hello friends,
I have been using the tesllstick addon for Hass.io for quite some time and its been working great. I just got 6 more switches and was pairing them when i started having problems. Now i cant get the learning to work anymore!
I pair switch id 1 like this {“addon”:“core_tellstick”,“input”:{“function”:“learn”,“device”:“1”}}, it works fine and the switch responds when i call it through home assistant interface. Then i pair switch id 2. {“addon”:“core_tellstick”,“input”:{“function”:“learn”,“device”:“2”}} Pairing works fine it looks like, but when i then call either of the two switches they both react whichever i call!
[Info] Read learn / 1
Execute a TellStick Action for device 1
[Info] TellStick learn success -> Learning device: 1 Jordglob - Success
Execute a TellStick Action for device 1
Execute a TellStick Action for device 1
Execute a TellStick Action for device 2
Execute a TellStick Action for device 2
Execute a TellStick Action for device 2
Execute a TellStick Action for device 2
Execute a TellStick Action for device 2
Execute a TellStick Action for device 2
[Info] Read learn / 2
Execute a TellStick Action for device 2
[Info] TellStick learn success -> Learning device: 2 Ljusslinga & vitrin - Success
Execute a TellStick Action for device 2
Execute a TellStick Action for device 2
Execute a TellStick Action for device 2
“devices”: [
“id”: 1,
“name”: “Jordglob”,
“protocol”: “arctech”,
“model”: “selflearning-switch”,
“house”: “953934”,
“unit”: “1”
“id”: 2,
“name”: “Ljusslinga & vitrin”,
“protocol”: “arctech”,
“model”: “selflearning-switch”,
“house”: “953934”,
“unit”: “2”
“id”: 3,
“name”: “Lyktstolpe”,
“protocol”: “arctech”,
“model”: “selflearning-switch”,
“house”: “953934”,
“unit”: “3”
“id”: 4,
“name”: “Trädgårdsljus”,
“protocol”: “arctech”,
“model”: “selflearning-switch”,
“house”: “953934”,
“unit”: “4”
“id”: 5,
“name”: “Trädgårdsljus baksida”,
“protocol”: “arctech”,
“model”: “selflearning-switch”,
“house”: “953934”,
“unit”: “5”
“id”: 6,
“name”: “Extra1”,
“protocol”: “arctech”,
“model”: “selflearning-switch”,
“house”: “953934”,
“unit”: “6”
“id”: 7,
“name”: “Extra2”,
“protocol”: “arctech”,
“model”: “selflearning-switch”,
“house”: “953934”,
“unit”: “7”
“id”: 8,
“name”: “Extra3”,
“protocol”: “arctech”,
“model”: “selflearning-switch”,
“house”: “953934”,
“unit”: “8”
“id”: 9,
“name”: “Extra4”,
“protocol”: “arctech”,
“model”: “selflearning-switch”,
“house”: “953934”,
“unit”: “9”
“id”: 10,
“name”: “Extra5”,
“protocol”: “arctech”,
“model”: “selflearning-switch”,
“house”: “953934”,
“unit”: “10”
“id”: 11,
“name”: “Extra6”,
“protocol”: “arctech”,
“model”: “selflearning-switch”,
“house”: “953934”,
“unit”: “11”