Issues with connection to router

I am running HA on Raspberry pi 4 B 2gb. Installation done as explained on site(Tried multiple times on win and mac, formatting SD card properly, deleting partitions etc). Sometimes it boots up sometimes i have to remove power from PI so that LAN cable starts to blink, LAN from router is fine, PC runs flawless. I did install raspberry OS to see if PI is broken it works every time. I can not connect one of yeelight bulbs, plex sometimes shows playing sometimes idle, it is frustrating. I am not even trying to write my own stuff just using UI. I am very close to giving up here. I am using this soft = [Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (1 GB, 2 GB and 4 GB model) 32-bit

Perhaps you have a bad Pi. I just did a fresh install a couple weeks ago on the exact same unit (but 8GB) and the networking has worked flawlessly. I did, however, have the first Pi’s network interface die and had to replace the board.

Did you add your heat sinks? I know Pi says it’s not really necessary but perhaps you are over heating and it is causing the component to phase in and out of service.

But in my own experience the Pi networking, with the exception of the failed component, under HA has been perfect. You could also try wireless and see if that makes any difference.

yes metal heatsink all around, but like i said, raspberry os works fine. today i thought my router was bad so i reset whole system etc, no change. damn it was working few days ago, but then i was not able to set up location services i messed up lots of settings so i decided to reset, now this is what i get. now it is connected to router but plex still not showing

There is an update available now, i will see if that changes something