Issues with Ecolink Z-Wave Tilt Sensor

I’m having issues with the Ecolink Z-Wave Tilt Sensor. I’m trying to use it as a garage door sensor. I have an Aeotec v5 USB Z-Wave stick, attached to a RPi3, running Home Assistant.

According to open-zwave-dashboard, it seems that the wake-up interval is hard-coded to be 3600s. I thought I had it set to 300s a day ago, but it appears to have reverted to 3600s.

Has anyone else had this issue?

Here’s a link to the gist for my config:

I am using this exact Ecolink tilt sensor on my garage door, also with an Aeotec Gen5 Z-Stick.

I can’t speak to why the wake-up interval keeps changing back, but I’m curious why you need it to be 300s? Your battery is going to drain more than it has too. I am using it with factory settings without a single problem. My garage door opens and I get a notification immediately, and the same for when it closes. Been using this setup for the past 4 months on Home Assistant, and a previous 8 months prior to that when I was on SmartThings, and I have never had a single failure or inability to communicate changes. I am also pulling battery updates for all my z-wave devices (nearly 50 in total) and all devices, including the tilt sensor, are reporting correctly and working without a hitch, all of them using factory settings.

If this is a new device on your system, I will tell you that the Zwave mesh is a strange beast. It will sometimes take days or even a week for it to fully flesh out the mesh paths to get stable use of the devices. I would also recommend you initiate a network heal at like 2am every morning, this will help your mesh to ensure a proper connection between devices.

Some garage’s, like mine, are not attached, so they are a good 10 - 15 feet from the house, and depending on where your machine is that is running Home Assistant with the Z-Stick (I’m using a Raspberry Pi 2 in the middle of the house), there may not be good communication with the tilt sensor if you don’t have any powered Z-wave devices within range of it.

Each wall powered Z-wave device will serve as a repeater, but if you only have battery operated devices, you may have communication issues to your garage. I have at least 1 powered z-wave plug and/or light socket in each room, ensuring a mesh to communicate with those devices that are a little further away.

The Pi3 is only about 6 feet away from the tilt sensor.

I’m pretty sure I’ve botched the config, but I’m not sure how.