Issues with finding devices and speeding up process works with tuya and many other applications

I want to give an update I actually figured it out to speed up the process in dscover to help some integrations like Tuya Local Bond and so much more, I installed the DNSMASQ doing my DHCP and my DNS ,I will say this corrected the problem 100% due to speed discovery for a lot of issues like not just Tuya-local products only. As we all venture down this way through smart home technology static IP is becoming a must the problem is some devices do not allow you to static IP them. So I think this is going to become a must for people that have quite a few devices because a lot of routers are limited also I’ll explain later. I think going forward a lot of people should look into doing DNSMASQ also note a lot of routers do not support reserving IP addresses over either 16 or 32 which can be done the same way, but due time limitation cannot be implemented. I’ve done but if you have so many devices you’re out of luck. So learn from my experience the dnsmasq is the way to go. You can do it with no problem only issue. Even know home assistant has an add on I could not use the one that installs in home assistant. But I will attempt eventually to get that working So I had to install it on my qnap because they use a different configuration which I was able to get to work. I will give an example below. Unfortunately the hacks addon for dnsmasq I will still research this to get it to work. I have to move this to the qnap now I’m going to reach out to the man that run s addon and get that one up and see if we can fix it.
what this does is increases the speed so when you do turn on a Tuya or like Tuya Device it gets the IP address almost immediately and the Same Adress everytime hence static IP AKA reserved IP integrations like local Tuya have a discovery process but it truly takes a while for it to catch up this eliminates this completely this also eliminates you have to go into regular devices and configuring them with IP addresses it’s all centralized. I highly-highly recommend doing this it will take a lot of stress offer you’re smart home experience. This was a game changer for me and I spent a lot of time figuring it out but so worth it. Just think about IP address to all your devices in your house so they don’t change and home assistant has a much easier way of controlling them. You won’t regret adding this let’s see if I can get the add-on to work it’s will be all in one box. If anyone has ideas on that please let’s put our heads together. I am very new to the home assistant world I’m finding it to be very addictive to figure out these things but fun. Below is my config sample



use google as default nameservers


Network interface=enp3s0dhcp range and static rule


Static Devices MacAdress,Name,IP


Bar Tuya Lights
