Issues with frontend "configuration" panel


I noticed that I have two weird issues in the UI configuration panel.

  1. I can’t validate config. I can click the button, and it starts “spinning” (se image), but nothing happens (I’ve waited several minuts).
  2. There is no “Reload automations” or “reload scripts”. The “reload core” and “reload groups” are there, but the other two are gone (see image).

I’m using docker on Ubuntu Server. I’m currently on v. 0.84.3, but I haven’t been looking in the UI configuration for a while, so no clue when this started. It has been a few releases since the last time I know it worked.

I’m also missing the entire “automations” section. And a few others? It seems very empty there (the “Automations” is the one I have on my hassio instance, so I can see it’s missing):

Any idea what could have caused this?