Issues with HA and deCONZ - Entities not being registered on HA


Got something weird with my HA instance. I had to re-add some vibration sensors (I run deCONZ) and even though I can see them in deCONZ (and also on the logs as I set it to debug), when I go to HA, I can’see them at all. I’ve done that with 4 sensors and they don’t show up. I can see the events also showing up on the logs ([pydeconz.websocket] Websocket data) but the binary_sensors aren’t being created on HA. For the sake of it, I did the same with a switch and the switch doesn’t show up anymore on HA as well even though it’s on deCONZ and show up in the logs. I can’t see any of them inside .storage as well. Been banging my head for some hours now and just thought I’d come here to check if I’m being silly or there’s something odd going on.

Switches doesn’t show up in hass since they are momentary events they are instead exposed as events. Deconz integration documentation describes this. For vibration sensors previously deconz would register them as zhaswitch and they would also just be events. Later on they changed that to zhavibration. Maybe it gets reported as a switch?

Thanks, Robban.
The switches I managed to sort it out, it’s all good now. Problem is the vibration sensors which are being recognised as ZHASwitch (deconz 2.5.67, latest HA 0.101.3) but they used to work fine before I had to repair them a couple of days ago (I used the binary_sensor for my alarm) and now I am not able to because no binary sensors get created.

Edit: Interesting. I had 2.0.70 and saw a message on my advanced settings to update conbee’s firmware. I did that and it reverted me to 2.0.67 which sees the vibration sensors as ZHASwitch, after that I updated it to 2.0.69 , re-paired the sensors and they are now seen as ZHAVibration working as intended. Thanks!