Dear homeassistant users,
i have an issue, that my Homekit Bridge wont connect to my Home App from Apple.
I just installed an PfSense Firewall to get my network cleaner and safer but i cant connect the Bridge anymore.
I can talk to my other WiFi Subnet an also did open the UDP Port 5353 and 21064 TCP for Homekit Bridge but it wont connect.
It always says “Device not foun” when connecting.
Can anyone else help me out here?
You may need avahi
You need mdns to work between vlans
What are you using for WiFi. Need mdns working there also.
Double check firewall rules.
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Thanks for the Avahi Tip.
Right now the PFsense is on an Allow Any rule.
So there should not be something blocked.
Also i cant even update Zigbee2MQTT right now it says no connection.
You know what?
No Thanks!
I Love you man!
Installed Avahi and tried out: Boom works fine af.
you are a real MVP my friend!
HAOS install on Raspberry PI