Issues with HomeKit Bridge after reboot and update to HA 2024.10.2

Hi everyone,

I need some help with an issue I’m having with the HomeKit Bridge integration in Home Assistant. Here’s my current Docker configuration:

  container_name: home-assistant
  image: ""
    - /home/segi/Documents/.homeassistant:/config
    - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro
  restart: unless-stopped
  privileged: true
  network_mode: host

Everything was working perfectly until a few days ago. After rebooting my Raspberry Pi and updating Home Assistant to version 2024.10.2, all devices added via the HomeKit Bridge became unavailable in the Apple Home app.

What I’ve tried:

  1. I deleted the HomeKit configuration and attempted to set it up from scratch, but now I can’t add any devices back into the HomeKit app.

  2. After scanning the QR code, I get stuck at the “Accessory not found” screen.

  3. I also rolled back to the previous version of Home Assistant (2024.09.1), thinking it might be a version issue, but the problem persists.

At this point, I don’t believe it’s a version-related issue, but I’m unsure how to debug it further. I’d like to know how to get more detailed debugging information to figure out what’s going wrong. I’ve enabled logs for the HomeKit Bridge, but I can’t find anything useful in there to identify the pairing issue with HomeKit.

Main questions:

• What logs or debugging options can I enable to get more insight into what’s happening during the pairing process between Home Assistant and HomeKit?

• Could this be a networking issue related to Docker’s network_mode: host that’s preventing devices from communicating properly?

• Are there other things I should check regarding my network configuration or anything else that could be stopping the Home app from discovering the accessory?

I’d really appreciate any suggestions or guidance on how to dig deeper into debugging this and hopefully fix the issue. It’s frustrating because everything worked fine before the reboot and update, and now I can’t seem to restore it.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide!

Do you really mean that the devices disappeared from Homekit itself?
It might not be an HA issue, then…

The devices didn’t actually disappear from the HomeKit app, but they became “unavailable.” This issue started after I rebooted the Raspberry Pi and updated Home Assistant to version 2024.10.2. Before that, everything was working fine.

I tried deleting and recreating the HomeKit integration from scratch, but now I can’t add the devices back. After scanning the QR code, I get to the “Accessory not found” screen and can’t complete the pairing process.

I also tried rolling back to a previous version of Home Assistant (2024.09.1), but the issue persists, so I don’t think it’s a version-related problem. I’m wondering if it could be a network issue or something in my Home Assistant configuration that’s preventing proper communication with HomeKit.

Words matters :wink:
Do you mean the Homekit integration inside HA? Can you still manage your devices via “plain” Homekit?

Also, check the HA logs.

Let me explain the steps I followed in detail:

  1. I added the HomeKit Bridge integration in Home Assistant.

  2. I selected the option to create a Bridge and chose to “Include” devices manually.

  3. I then selected the specific domains of the devices I wanted to add (e.g., covers).

  4. After that, I selected the individual entities I wanted to include in HomeKit.

At this point, a QR code was generated by Home Assistant.

  1. I opened the Apple Home app on my iPhone and started the process to add a new accessory.

  2. I scanned the QR code with my iPhone.

  3. The connection process started, as expected.

  4. However, I then received the message: “Accessory not found.”

I’ve already checked the logs in Home Assistant, but there’s no useful information related to the integration or any errors that might point to what’s going wrong.

Any suggestions on what I can do to troubleshoot further?

Ah, my mistake. “Bridge”…

Did you do what is suggested in the doc for debugging?

I’ve tried everything, but I still can’t figure out if the issue is with the integration or a connection problem. I’m on the same Wi-Fi network, and even with the debugger activated, there’s nothing unusual in the logs.

Did you retry to pair with debugging enabled?
It’s unlikely you don’t have more logs…

Yes I did, I’ve asked also to GPT to deep analyze the log to understand the issue, but there’s nothing reletated to the issue.

This is the log:

Same issue for me @bardaxx since upgrading to HA 2024.10.2. No luck diagnosing it just yet but I will keep looking…

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Damn, ok.
But I’m not feeling alone anymore lol

Keep me posted if you find any solution

is this the same issue?