Issues with LetsEncrypt

Good afternoon,
I have managed successfully to point my internal IP to chosen domain with Duck DNS.

However, whenever I am trying to acquire a certificate to encrypt my connection with Let’s Encrypt I am out of luck. At the beginning I have tried to setup DuckDNS addon in Hassio with following configuration frontend crashes. My addon configuration:

  "lets_encrypt": {
    "accept_terms": true,
    "certfile": "/ssl/fullchain.pem",
    "keyfile": "/ssl/privkey.pem"
  "token": "[****]",
  "domains": [
  "seconds": 300

My configuration.yaml looks like this:

base_url: “***”
ssl_certificate: “/ssl/fullchain.pem”
ssl_key: “/ssl/privkey.pem”

And I have forwarded 443 port to 8123.

Despite my efforts, whenever I save my settings and try to login I get this error message on the browser:

In comparing your configuration.yaml to mine (I am using same tools as you), my base url does not have the colon or port number. My base URL is: ***

Give that a try and hopefully it fixes it.

By the way I used this guide

I have tried all possible configurations but all of them caused same result - frontend crash.

Additionally I tried to use Putty to setup LetsEncrypt. I didn’t have any isues to setup DuckDNS. However, whenever I tried run certbot client
I received such error in Putty


Is there anything in the log files? Does the user that runs HA have the correct permissions to the certificate files?

If you are using, then you should only setup the duckdns add-on. I would remove both add-ons and then just set up the duckdns add-on.