Issues with MQTT

I apologize if this is the wrong category…

HA Setup: I recently switched my HA setup to live on a VM using the VMDK installation (see The Hook Up’s video for more info). I used the Mosquitto MQTT Broker add-on to host my MQTT broker. I am attempting to use this to work with the MQTT alarm along with the MQTT Alarm Panel by ThanksMister LLC.

Issue: I can only connect to the MQTT broker if the client (android tablets running MQTT alarm control panel) is logged in through OpenVPN. All of my clients alter the alarm state correctly through OpenVPN. I cannot, however, connect to the broker at all if I try to connect on the same subnet… I have no idea why.

This only became an issue when I transferred my HA instance from a Raspberry Pi 3 b+ to the Virtual Machine. I’d like to get this working again, as it was a fairly important part of my setup. An ideas on what the issue could be?


Have you set up an access control list (ACL)?

I have. I think I got this from the HA resources:


acl_file /share/mosquitto/accesscontrollist


user mqtt
topic readwrite #

You need to allow home assistant access as well


user mqtt
topic readwrite #
user homeassistant
topic readwrite #

Restart the broker after editing.

Thanks for that. It still isn’t working though :confused: I think it might have to do with the ports for some reason. It seems odd that I can connect just fine to the broker from OpenVPN, but not from the local network.

I just ended up going with Works fine now… Wish I had a better solution though.

Hard to help with no logs.