Issues with Ring doorbell integration

I am a HA newbie and first time poster to this forum. I apologise if this topic has been covered before but I did try searching first.

I have just tried adding my Ring Video Doorbell 2 via Configuration -> Integrations. It seemed to work and I now see the doorbell functions on my Overview page.

However I now notice a few issues:

  1. When I go to the Configuration -> Devices it comes up with “Error while loading page devices.”.
  2. Configuration -> Integrations shows the Ring integration. When I click to expand nothing is listed in the table.
  3. home-assistant.log shows:
    2020-01-18 10:04:12 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202001080] http://hassio:8123/frontend_latest/chunk.8313098024f9f627cf37.js:496:1131 Expected ‘(’

The latter is repeated 3 times. I can’t show all 3 as I’m only limited to 2 links as a newbie. I think the latter is associated with each time I try to go to the Devices page.

I am running v0.104.1 on a RPI4B+. Any help would be much appreciated!