Hi there!
for a few days now I am experiencing issues with the SolarEdge Integration (default, Cloud-Polling).
Multiple times a day, several sensors are dropping to zero due to “too many requests” against the API.
First, I thought it might be related to my own NodeRed configuration, where I also requesting some information from the API, the integration does not provide.
But - the NodeRed integration does only pull these information every 3 hours or so (and at least, I have deactivated the node red part)…
The strange behave is, that not all sensors are affected at the same time.
It seems to be related with the type of request itself… sometimes, the “overview” information are affected, sometimes the “details” are affected - and so on.
I have seen, that the integration does use different delays for the specific requests…
This is really annoying… the sensors shown here are calculating their values based on the value of the integration sensor (creating kWh from Wh)
Have you seen similar issues with recent versions?
I haven’t seen this kind of issue (at least in that frequency) earlier…
Unfortunately, the Modbus integration which I am also using does not provide some of the stats the Monitoring does provide…
# HTTP Status 429 – Too Many Requests
**Type** Status Report
**Message** Concurent limit quota exceeded
**Description** The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
### Apache Tomcat/8.5.46
Same problem for me, getting several 429 errors each day.
Hope Frenck and others can fix this quickly, I won’t move to 2021.11 until they fix this 429 issue.