Issues with ZHA integration using Sonoff dongle

I am using Home assistant core 24.1.6
I have ZHA with sonoff zigbee dongle
a few weeks ago I was moving my set up and moved the pi around a few times.
Since then the Zigbee network has been very unstable. Prior to that It was working without any issues for over 2 years.
Now every few hours, and to a maximum a couple of days, all the devices on the network drop and nothing works. Sometimes if left alone things reconnect, other times I have to reset everything.
The devices connect and work on an old smartthings hub, I wonder if this is the dongle or a code issue, would buying a conbee stick solve the issue

Any help or suggestions to debug are appreciated


Did you, by chance, move the dongle when you moved the rPi? I assume, if you have run for a couple of years, that the dongle is on an extension cable and plugged into a USB hub rather than the bus on the rPi. if that’s the case then you may have moved the dongle into a less suitable location. For me, I have the extension sitting at least a foot away from any other dongle (Z-Wave, Bluetooth, etc) and not near any large metal objects that might interfere. Also consider that Zigbee can clash with your wifi, so you might try changing either your wifi channel or the Zigbee channel to see if you have better success.