[ista EcoTrend] Please add history/old data


thank you @tr4nt0r for adding ista EcoTrend to the core integrations.

Would it be possible to have the integration download the old data? Data is available since beginning of recording, so the data can be pulled. It would “just” need to be pulled and backdated in the database.

Any chance you could implement that?

Thank you for your consideration.

Already waiting to be reviewed and merged :slight_smile:

Thank you t4nt0r!

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Is this update working for anyone? Installed it a couple of days ago but still missing all the old data.

Hi everyone
is anybody else using this integration?

Despite Add statistics import to Ista EcoTrend integration by tr4nt0r · Pull Request #118788 · home-assistant/core · GitHub I still have not historical data and the data that is being pulled is for the wrong month. So July data is shown in August, August in September etc.

Please let me know or I will open a github issue to report it as not working.

Thank you

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at least 56 other people are

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