ISY errors anyone have a resole thanks

ever since upgrade
hassio 2.12
HA : 0.103.6
ISY version 5.0.16B

Log error:

Unsupported node: Counter Switch A, type:

4:00 PM components/isy994/ (WARNING)

Unsupported node: Closet_Hall-A, type:

4:00 PM components/isy994/ (WARNING)

Unsupported node: Bedroom-Sensor, type:

4:00 PM components/isy994/ (WARNING)

Unsupported node: GarageDoor, type:

4:00 PM components/isy994/ (WARNING)

I’ve been having issues with the following error for over a month…

AttributeError: ‘Nodes’ object has no attribute ‘status’

Just crickets. I’ve tried HASS and I’ve developed for HomeSeer time to try CQC

Just fyi there is a custom component for the isy that replaces the standard built in one. This allows more and better integration of ISY.
You can find it in HACS or check out the development section and search for ISY.