ISY994 Temperature/Multi Sensor Possible?

I’ve been running a few devices on an ISY994iZW for about a year. Recently discovered HASS and have been pretty happy with detection of my switches and locks on my ISY. However, I’m not able to wrap my head around how to get a new AEON Multisensor 6 reporting correctly in HASS.
In my ISY admin insterface, the sensor presents 4 devices.

  • Multilevel Sesnor, which reports Status, Temperature, Humidity, UV Light, luminance, and battery level.
  • Motion Sensor, appears in ISY as a binary sensor (on/off)
  • Tamper Alarm, appears in ISY as a binary sensor (on/off)
  • Binary Sensor, appears in ISY as a binary sensor (on/off)

However, in HASS my Multilevel Sensor shows up as a “Light” with only on/off value, and the other 3 sensors show up as a switch (expected since they’re binary in the ISY).

Trying to wrap my head around the ISY interface defined here - but I can’t seem to figure out how to report temperature, humidity, etc… Seems the only sensor options for the ISY are binary or on/off.

Am I missing something or does this type of integration just not exist for the ISY?


I’m still playing around with trying to get this to work. Reading through the ISY Component page it mentions:

sensor_string (Optional): This is the string that is used to identify which devices are to be assumed to be sensors instead of lights of switches. By default, this string is ‘sensor’. If this string is found in the device name or folder, Home Assistant will assume it is as a sensor or binary sensor (if the device has on/off or true/false states).

The Multisensor shows up in HASS from my ISY is named “ZW005 Multilevel Sensor” by default. My understanding from the above quote is that anything with “sensor” in the name is supposed to be classified by HASS as a sensor (and not a light or switch). However it continues to show up as a light for me in HASS. I tried renaming the device “Multi Sensor” in the ISY, restarted HASS, still shows up as a light. In fact, all of the sensors associated with this Aeon Multisensor are showing up as either a light (ZW 005 Binary Sensor, ZW 005 Motion Sensor, ZW 005 Tamper Sensor) or a switch (ZW Multilevel Sensor).

Not sure what I’m doing wrong? My ISY settings in the configuration.yaml is very basic:


host: http://IP_of_ISY:80
username: redacted
password: redacted

Did you ever figure this out?

I’ve got the same problem here.
I’ve done a little more digging and found out something interesting.
So i believe that the ISY994 component in HA is polling the REST API on the ISY994i.

Try going here: http://[your ip]/rest/nodes/devices
put in your admin user/pass

It will return the XML for all the devices connected to your ISY. The ZW* devices are all in the: <family>4</family>

And if you look closely at the XML none of these devices actually list sensor readings (like temp, humidity, etc). Which I believe is why the ISY994i component doesn’t display them at all.

On the other hand, if you load up: http://[your ip]/rest/nodes/ZW002_1
It does actually return all the values for the device, including temperature, humidity, etc…

My guess is, that the HA ISY994 component doesn’t know how to handle the <family>4</family> xml, or doesn’t know that it should look at the separate URL for the values.

One way around this, would be to create your own REST sensor to poll the values manually. I don’t like this option at all, but it would be a temporary fix.

Think I may submit a bug report for the ISY994 component.

anyone crack this one?