I guess I would call this an enhancement request, because it doesn’t necessarily fall into the bug category. The current hub/ISY994 controller component works fine for most insteon devices, but when you add the Zwave module, and connect a Aeon Labs Multisensor 6, things get a little whacky.
My ISY994 configuration is:
# ISY-994i
host: http://192.168.X.X:80
username: admin
password: redacted
sensor_string: 'Sensor'
I’ve got the Aeotec Multilevel sensor 6 connected to my ISY994i(Z), and via the admin interface on the ISY, I can see all the values from the sensor, which include: Status, Temperature, Humidity, UV Light, Luminance, and Battery Level.
But when HA is (re)started, it creates the following devices:
If I remove the sensor_string: 'Sensor'
from the above configuration file, I get the following devices:
The problem is, none of these entity_id’s actually report: Status, Temperature, Humidity, UV Light, Luminance, or Battery Level.
I did a little digging on the ISY forums, as well as some trial and error in Postman (to work with the REST API), and I discovered the following:
If I load up the URL: http://192.168.X.X/rest/nodes/devices
(authenticate via the admin/pass)
I get XML formatted data back, about all of my ISY devices. But the ZWave multilevel sensor, doesn’t report its sensor values in the XML output. Here’s what it does report for the device:
<node flag="128">
<name>Patio Multilevel Sensor</name>
<parent type="3">63013</parent>
<property id="ST" value="0" formatted="0%" uom="51" />
But if I use the device specific URL: http://192.168.X.X/rest/nodes/ZW002_1
It does report the sensor values:
<node flag="128">
<name>Patio Multilevel Sensor</name>
<parent type="3">63013</parent>
<property id="ST" value="0" formatted="0%" uom="51" />
<property id="BATLVL" value="100" formatted="100%" uom="51" />
<property id="CLIHUM" value="11" formatted="11%" uom="22" />
<property id="CLITEMP" value="7070" formatted="70.70° F" uom="17" prec="2" />
<property id="DOF" value=" " formatted=" " uom="51"/>
<property id="DON" value=" " formatted=" " uom="51"/>
<property id="LUMIN" value="21700" formatted="217.00 lux" uom="36" prec="2" />
<property id="ST" value="0" formatted="0%" uom="51" />
<property id="UV" value="0" formatted="0.00 UV Index" uom="71" prec="2" />
Also, possibly unrelated, when HA starts with the ISY994 component configured, I get the following in my logs:
17-02-21 16:48:50 WARNING (Thread-3) [homeassistant.components.isy994] Bad ISY Request: http://192.168.X.X:80/rest/vars/definitions/1 17-02-21 16:48:50 WARNING (Thread-3) [homeassistant.components.isy994] Bad ISY Request: http://192.168.X.X:80/rest/vars/definitions/2 17-02-21 17:19:53 ERROR (Thread-4) [homeassistant.components.isy994] ISY Could not parse variables, poorly formatted XML
If I try to hit the URL’s directly, I get an XML formatted 404.
So, could the ISY994 component be updated to support the Zwave Multilevel Sensor 6?
If more information, logs, or troubleshooting is required, please let me know.