It is possible to disable slider for dimm light if light switch is off?

It is possible to disable slider for dimm light if light switch is off? When switch is on user can move slider to dimm light?

If you use the custom slider entry row you can do that easily
hide_when_off: true

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or use a filter card (but it depends on your situation)

How I can install slider-entity-row?

Read this guide written by the dev of the slide-entity-row then go back to the link @sleeepy2 provided.

BTW this fellow has written a plethora of great lovelace plugins. It’s worth checking out his entire github.

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This probably not working with switch?

I wanna combine in one row switch+input_number and hide slider when switch is off.

Is this possible?

You can not show a switch and the input number at the same time.
You can hide the slider when it is off but you then need the switch to turn it off, but it wont show the input number.