Hi guys, is there a way we can import the itach flex products into Home Assistant’s database. I see you’ve already added the GC100 (Global Cache make the itach flex also i believe). This would drive the final nail in simple control’s coffin.
I have struggled to control my Epson projector via serial with Home Assistant, yet it’s the only thing keeping me with simplecontrol. I think you’ve basically got most of the code already.
Happy to donate to get this in place. I also use an Itach flex Ir blaster as well, but it’s the projector that i am really missing.
@baldfox the current Itach Remote component is not my code and it is written specifically for the IR functionality. There is no easy way to port that code over to be used for IP2Ser. If you are using an Itach Flex with Web API, I have had good luck using the RESTful Switch component to send commands to my Itach Flex IR. The Itach API information for serial is here. The caveat with this method is that you would need to get the serial command information for each command into Global Cache’s JSON format.