Itead CC2531 can not pair


Full of inspiration from Drzzs video on how the Itead CC2531 works with ZHA out of the box I ordered one which I got today. But there isn’t anything working out of the box here!

I have tried with several Zigbee devices which has support for ZHA, ie lights, motion sensors and switches from both IKEA and Xiaomi, but the controller wont find/pair with any of them. (The controller shows up fine in HA though.)

To my questions:

  1. Can the firmware on the stick be to old? The back of the cc2531 says 2019.
  2. How can I tell what firmware is installed?
  3. How can I update the firmware to a ZHA compatible one?

If you have any tips on how the get the controller to pair, please share!

The software on the CC2531 sticks from itead is old. Best to flash the latest available firmware. Information (and the firmware) can be found on .

Thanks. If I flash it to support zigbee2mqtt, does that mean it also supports ZHA?

To use a CC2531 with ZHA, it needs to be flashed with zigbee2mqtt firmware.

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