ITead "SONOFF Zigbee Bridge Pro" (ZBBridge-P) new CC2652P and ESP32 based Zigbee Gateway to WiFi Bridge

I have pretty stable WiFi, are WiFi Serial coordinators really that unstable? Also some people mention that USB adapters are “faster”, is the response time poor on WiFi coordinators?

FYI, jonasled created an ESPHome configuration for Sonoff ZBBridge-P bridge here on GitLab:

It is in turn based on the ESPHome configuration from thegroove:

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hi, i hope my configuration helping some one

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Hey Guys, trying to set-up the ZBBrige-P with ZHA on my HA. There is very little info on the P version, and the guides for the non-P versions do not work “out of the box”. Anyway managed to get to the point where TCP ZBBridge Pro is running fine, however when I try to add it via ZHA I am getting a “failed to connect” error in HA. Tasmota console shows an attempt to connect from my HA IP address, however there it ends.

Any wise suggestions?

I think it is not possible without flashing it before!

@Hedda, i’m so happy, i have only one fix to make with esphome, but i don’t understand why. I need to enter in bsl mode for integrating with ZHA/Z2M

ok, tonight from Italy, upload new code, all now working very well