i was wondering if someone could help me out. I have an HRU400 with an ESP32S2 mini connected to the HRU via RS485-modbus. the connection works, i can control everything but i have an annoying error. Whenever i have a sequence of addresses in the yaml it all works e.g. 2021, 2022, 2023.

but whenever i have a gap in the addresses e.g. 2021, 2022, 2023, 2034 everything is messed up. values will be mixed from 1 address to the other and random changes in values will occur.

as you can see, the “outside air fan” got he value 550 which is the value of the bypass valve. the outside air fan has a range of 0-399 so it can never be 550.
here is my yaml:
name: itho-hru
friendly_name: itho-hru
board: lolin_s2_mini
variant: esp32s2
type: arduino
# version: 2.0.6
# platform_version: 5.3.0
level: DEBUG
baud_rate: 0
# Enable Home Assistant API
key: "xxxxx"
- platform: esphome
password: "xxxx"
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "Itho-Hru Fallback Hotspot"
password: "f0xSaMbuxcSi"
port: 80
- platform: status_led
name: "Status LED"
id: HRU_status_led
icon: "mdi:alarm-light"
# restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
number: GPIO15
inverted: false
id: modbus_hru
flow_control_pin: GPIO7
uart_id: uart_modbus_hru
#send_wait_time: 2000ms
- id: uart_modbus_hru
tx_pin: GPIO11 # should be GPIO11, cannot be swapped
rx_pin: GPIO9 # should be GPIO9, cannot be swapped
baud_rate: 19200 # should be 19200, 9600=no difference, 38400=no difference
parity: EVEN #should be EVEN, ODD=no difference, NONE=does not work
data_bits: 8
stop_bits: 1
- id: hru
address: 0x49 # original: 72 = 0x48, 73 = 0x49
modbus_id: modbus_hru
update_interval: 5s
setup_priority: -10
command_throttle: 200ms
offline_skip_updates: 100
skip_updates: "5"
skip_updates_errors: "10"
skip_updates_advanced: "100"
modbus_id: hru
max_cap: "399"
flap_max: "550"
alert_icon: mdi:alert-circle
max_error_number: "5"
fan_speed_1: "100"
fan_speed_2: "150"
fan_speed_3: "200"
fan_speed_4: "250"
fan_speed_5: "300"
fan_speed_6: "350"
fan_speed_7: "399"
# packages:
# remote_package:
# url: https://github.com/william-sy/esphome-Itho-Daalderop-HRU400
# ref: main
# refresh: 0s
# files: [
# # Step 1: Choose a language:
# esphome/i18n/EN.yaml,
# #esphome/i18n/NL.yaml,
# # Step 2: Choose the board you bought:
# #esphome/boards/board-esp32-atom-lite.yaml,
# #esphome/boards/board-esp32-atom-s3-lite.yaml,
# # Step 4: Configure the general stuff:
# #esphome/base/base.yaml,
# esphome/base/fan.yaml,
# #esphome/base/select.yaml,
# #esphome/base/bypass.yaml,
# #esphome/base/frostvalve.yaml,
# #esphome/base/advanced.yaml,
# #esphome/base/faultcodes.yaml,
# # Add a comma here if you enable zones:
# #esphome/base/general.yaml
# # Step 5: Enable aditional zones if you have them:
# #esphome/zones/zone_1.yaml,
# #esphome/zones/zone_2.yaml,
# #esphome/zones/zone_3.yaml,
# #esphome/zones/zone_4.yaml,
# # Step 6: Dont forget to remove the last comma
- name: outside air fan demand value
platform: modbus_controller
modbus_controller_id: hru
id: outside_air_fan_demand_value
icon: mdi:home-import-outline
register_type: holding
address: 0x7DA #2021
min_value: 0
max_value: 399
step: 1
#initial_value: 0
value_type: U_WORD
# use_write_multiple: true
# # # on_value_range:
# # - above: 2.0
# # then:
# # - number.set:
# # id: fan_demand_on_off
# # value: 1.0
# # - below: 1.0
# # then:
# # - number.set:
# # id: fan_demand_on_off
# # value: 0.0
- name: Bypass position
id: bypass_position
address: 0x7F0 #2032
#value_type: U_WORD
min_value: 0
max_value: ${flap_max}
step: 50
#initial_value: 0
register_type: holding
platform: modbus_controller
use_write_multiple: true
modbus_controller_id: ${modbus_id}
icon: mdi:valve
- name: Bypass manual control on/off
address: 0x7F1 #2033
id: bypass_valve_manual_control_on_off
#value_type: U_WORD
min_value: 0
max_value: 1
step: 1
#initial_value: 0
register_type: holding
platform: modbus_controller
modbus_controller_id: ${modbus_id}
use_write_multiple: true
icon: mdi:toggle-switch-variant
the yaml above is with address gaps. you can see 2021, 2032 and 2033. then it goes wrong. whenever i comment out the 2021, the addresses are sequencial and the entities work again.
does anyone know how to solve this “gap” problem?