It's all gone horribly wrong! Device limit exceeded

None of my devices are operating any longer and I’m getting these errors:


I really don’t know where to start to resolve this. Could I really have exceeded the device limit?

Probably not. Have a read of this:

The HomeKit docs speak directly to this:

The HomeKit guidelines only allow a maximum of 100 unique accessories ( aid ) per bridge. Be mindful of this when configuring the filter(s).

What does your homekit configuration look like?

I don’t really use homekit. I only have the component installed as I read it was required for the iOS Home Assistant app to connect correctly.

I’ve been following the MQTT 3.0 débâcle and have rolled back to 2.0 and I’m still on 0.81.0 of Home Assistant . Still have problems connecting to MQTT though.

Could you please clarify for me what you mean by ‘configuring the filters’? What does that refer to?

I can confirm that this is 100% false. I use the Home Assistant app and have no Homekit integration.

do your devices use mqtt? i dont use this protocol, but sounds like a ocnnection issue to the server

I don’t really use homekit. I only have the component installed as I read it was required for the iOS Home Assistant app to connect correctly.

Got it. I can confirm that if all you care about there is iOS connectivity, you don’t need the homekit component installed.

For reference, here’s what’s likely happening: by default, the homekit component will automatically include all entities that defined in Home Assistant. If you have a large number of entities, you’ll run over the homekit limit quickly.

I know this may not speak to the other, MQTT-related items here, but hope that helps clear up this piece.

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Thank you.