I've added the new ESPHome repo, now how do I remove the ESPHome from Community Addons?


I’ve added a second installation of ESPHome from the ESPHome repo. Now I have 2 installations of ESPHome, one from the old ESPHome addon from the Community Addons and the new one from the ESPHome repo. Documentation indicates everyone should move to the ESPHome repo since ESPHome addon inside the Community Addons will be deprecated.

My question is, can I simply click ‘UNINSTALL’ from the interface of the ESPHome addon from the Community Addons and keep everything still working on the new ESPHome from the ESPHome repo?

Thanks a lot.

Yes you can uninstall the old addon and the new one will retain all your settings and devices. Uninstalling the addon does not remove the files from config/esphome.

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