I have a question about Zigbee hubs, I hope this is the right place to ask:
This coordinator is a substitute for the USB dongle that most of the people use, right?
I was thinking about buying an ethernet coordinator (like this one, but already flashed with tasmota) that I can place on a reachable place in the house, instead of the dongle. But, is it going to work the same? Can I send ‘posts’ and ‘gets’ to trigger actions?
And regarding the documentation, do I need to use the zigbee2mqtt integration and look for compatible devices? Or anything Zigbee compatible will work flawlessly in HASS? I would like, for example, to trigger the alarm of this smoke detector from HASS.
I tried to get the ssh password from the manufacturer but they do not understand, or fake that they do not understand my question.
If anyone has a a new hack not involving removing the flash, or another reasonably cheap and sourceable Ethernet coordinator, I would be very happy to know about it.
I have no idea, that’s what I was also wondering in order to implement it myself and look for the compatible zigbee devices. I think @ardous can enlight us when he recive the hub.
I have to say I don’t understand what you did here… You flashed the firmware with a wrong version, but yet you got it working? Isn’t this already flashed with tasmota? Why did you flashed it again? Or are you talking about the other device you mentioned? The one you couldn’t flash because root access.
And thanks again for doing this research and posting it here!
I am talking about the ESP32 based device that I ordered recently. The Tasmota firmware that comes with it isn’t the latest one (1 or 2 versions behind). I wanted to flash it with a newer Tasmota firmware, but I flashed a firmware that does not support properly this board. Currently, the best I could do to recover from my mistake is to the flash the above mentioned firmware. Wi-Fi to ZigBee (ZHA) bridge does work, but as I cannot get the Ethernet interface to work, I cannot get the Ethernet to ZigBee setup that is our ultimate quest. I received the original firmware from the seller. Hopefully I will find some time tomorrow to flash it and report.
Good that the seller is helping as well. As soon as I’m back from holidays I’ll order the hub as well (just the one I linked a couple of weeks ago, right?) and update the firmware too. How did you did it? With tasmotizer and an usb adaptor (the one with the 4 pins, I can’t remember the name).
All in all, it might not be necessary to flash it. Mine is in intensive care, with a typical USB to serial adapter connected to TX0, RX0 and GND pads on the PCB. I am using esptool.py as a software as I am used to it, but any should do the trick. Unless you screw it up stupidly like me… OTA update should work just fine.
Just bringing an update, I ordered the bridge and I just linked my first device! For the people following this thread:
Firstly I just connected the bridge to an ethernet port and let it get an IP from the router. Once you have that IP navigate there on the browser and open the console, you will need it.
I followed partially the links sent in this thread, on this link I skipped the flashing part, and went straight to the point where the wifi is turned out and the TCP port is enabled. Then the bridge will reset and on the prompt will be shown that the port is enabled.
As last, I followed this guide from bullet #7, in which they explain how to connect the bridge to HASS.
Once you’re done, use the integration to add new devices and have them available in HASS.
Thanks a lot to @Arduous for the resources here listed and the research!!