I've found a working ethernet lan-only zigbee home automation (ZHA) coordinator on AliExpress

Theoretically possible?

No doubt, if you want to write a custom firmware for the zigbee chip and corresponding esp32 (or equivalent) firmware to push the data over ethernet. My guess is SI Labs ncp fw and multipan zigbeed would be a pretty good starting point.

But, no one has done so yet.

I see, that’s exactly what I meant.

That’s something beyond my ability yet, I don’t know much about zigbee firmware, too bad, and surprising, that nobody with the right skills found this useful… Thank you for the hints.

I was able to use ZB-GW03-V1.3 (the Aliexpress Tasmota hub) with Zigbee2MQTT. The key was to use the ezsp adapter in Zigbee2MQTT serial configuration:

port: tcp://hub_ip:8888
adapter: ezsp

Also you need to disable or delete ZHA integration before using Zigbee2MQTT. I did not change the firmware from the original firmware shipped by Aliexpress (Tasmota version). I did not configure MQTT on the hub itself, only the TCP Rx/Tx.


So you have a coordinator or repeater that communicates back to ha over the lan the ha sits on ?

Yes, exactly. The connection between HASS and the Zigbee coordinator is on network level (ethernet in my case).