My hass.io menu choice has disappeared!
And I don’t know how to get it back.
I’m running Home Assistant 0.78 on Debian Stretch on an Intel NUC. No VM or anything.
Docker? Yes, it’s installed, but I didn’t thing Home Assistant was in Docker.
And I’m no deep-Linux expert, and I have tried to find configuration.yaml, but can’t find it.
All the help I can find online say that the file is located under /user/pi (which of course I don’t have) or /user/homeassistant. I’d think I’d have /user/homeassistant, but I don’t.
I need to get into the hass.io configurator.
Did this happen due to the upgrade from 77.2? I don’t know, but I don’t think so.
Help, please?
The Hassio menu option are only available for Hassio installs.
How did you install it?
Sorry. Of course it’s hassio that I have! I followed the instructions under Debian here:
It has worked fine for a week or two, but now I can’t get to the configuration files, since that requires the hass.io menu.
Make sure you have
in your configuration.yaml
file, and often Firefox won’t display the Hassio sub-menu but Chromium / Chrome will.
The config files should be in /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant
Thank you both! I found it and added hassio:.
But I still wonder how it could disappear…
For the “Hass.io” link to show you need frontend:
and atleast one of:
My guess is that you removed discovery:
from your configuration.
I am new to OH, hassio works well.
But i had the same issue.
Reason was that 1 of my yaml files was corrupted. Restore fixed it.
Adding back
fixed it for me.