Ivona TTS platform


Is it currently possible to use Ivona instead of Google?
I found some topic in here, but i saw conflicting results. Also you need Jasper for it and you cant just “apt-get install” that.

Any guidelines where to start would be much appreciated!

I’d love to see this as well. Ivona has some great voice options

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I setup Ivona thinking it might work with HA. It was really easy to setup and I use it to make canned mp3 responses that are played by shell command on a media player on the pi. I use this simple code to create the canned responses.

import pyvona


def speak(text, fileName):
    text = text.strip()
    if len(text) == 0:
    voice = pyvona.create_voice(awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey)
    voice.voice_name = "Salli"
    voice.codec = 'mp3'

speak("closing the garage door <break time='1s'/>","garageclosing")
speak("ding dong,  someone is at the front door <break time='1s'/>","doorbell")
speak("shutting off the kitchen light <break time='1s'/>","kitchenlightoff")
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Ivona belongs to Amazon Polly now as a paid service