Hi Community,
My iZone integration worked for a while, now when the integration is auto discovered, it does not load any devices or entities. I have tried deleting and re-adding it, but no change. The debug log says:
2024-11-22 19:08:41.036 DEBUG (MainThread) [pizone.discovery] Datagram Recieved b'iZoneChanged_System'
2024-11-22 19:08:41.624 DEBUG (MainThread) [pizone.discovery] Datagram Recieved b'iZoneChanged_Zones'
2024-11-22 19:08:42.032 DEBUG (MainThread) [pizone.discovery] Datagram Recieved b'iZoneChanged_Schedules'
2024-11-22 19:08:49.449 DEBUG (MainThread) [pizone.discovery] Sending discovery message to addr <HA IP>
2024-11-22 19:08:49.450 DEBUG (MainThread) [pizone.discovery] Sending discovery message to addr xxx.xxx.xxx.255
2024-11-22 19:08:49.450 DEBUG (MainThread) [pizone.discovery] Sending discovery message to addr xxx.xxx.xxx.255
Pinging the iZone bridge in postman looks ok:
"iZoneV2Request": {
"Type": 1, // 1=AC unit, 2=Zone, 3=Schedule
"No": 0, // Index of type e.g. If Type=2 then Zone number 2 will be No=1
"No1": 0 // This is not used for AC operation.
Gets Response:
"AirStreamDeviceUId": "xxxxxxxxx",
"DeviceType": "ASH",
"SystemV2": {
"SysOn": 0,
"SysMode": 1,
"SysFan": 2,
"SleepTimer": 0,
"Supply": 2599,
"Setpoint": 2300,
"Temp": 2324,
"RAS": 3,
"SysNo": 0,
"CtrlZone": 0,
"MasterZoneNo": 255,
"Tag1": "<loc>",
"Tag2": "<aircon brand>",
"Warnings": "none",
"ACError": " OK ",
"EcoLock": 1,
"EcoMax": 3000,
"EcoMin": 1500,
"NoOfConst": 1,
"NoOfZones": 11,
"SysType": 320,
"ConfigVersion": 3,
"StaticP": 4,
"iSaveEnable": 0,
"iSaveOn": 0,
"LockCode": "xxx",
"LockStatus": 0,
"LockOn": 0,
"FanAutoEn": 1,
"FanAutoType": 1,
"FanCapacity": 1400,
"FanUnitCapacity": 25,
"FilterWarn": 6,
"OpenDampersWhenOff": 0,
"iZoneOnOff": 1,
"iZoneMode": 1,
"iZoneFan": 1,
"iZoneSetpoint": 1,
"ExtOnOff": 0,
"ExtMode": 0,
"ExtFan": 0,
"ExtSetpoint": 0,
"DamperTime": 0,
"AutoOff": 1,
"RoomTempDisp": 0,
"RfCh": 5,
"WiredLeds": 0,
"AirflowLock": 0,
"AirflowMinLock": 1,
"OutOfViewRAS": 0,
"AcUnitBrand": 2,
"AcUnitBrandSet": 0,
"OemMake": 0,
"CpuType": 0,
"AutoModeDeadB": 150,
"ReverseDampers": 0,
"Scrooge": 0,
"HideInduct": 0,
"ShowActTemps": 0,
"Pass": "wamfud",
"UseInductEnergy": 1,
"LockZoneNames": 1,
"InRh": 63,
"InTVOC": 165,
"IneCO2": 459,
"CnstCtrlAreaEn": 0,
"CnstCtrlArea": 100,
"UnitOpt": {
"RA": 1,
"Master": 1,
"Zones": 1,
"History": 1,
"SlaveOpt": 1
So I am not sure if this is an iZone integration issue or a more general issue with a corrupt configuration or something.