I’ve been using the iZone Integration for quite some time with no issues, but after installing the 2022.11.1 release, I started getting this error, and it would no longer respond. I’m still relatively new to HA, so not sure on the best way to resolve this or get this issue raised (if appropriate). I have HA OS installed on a Pi 4B, and then running everything from there. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated
Logger: homeassistant.components.climate
Source: helpers/entity_platform.py:520
Integration: Climate (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 11:06:55 AM (57 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:32:07 PM
Platform izone does not generate unique IDs. ID 500000760 already exists - ignoring climate.izone_controller_500000760
Platform izone does not generate unique IDs. ID 500000760_z1 already exists - ignoring climate.downstairs
Platform izone does not generate unique IDs. ID 500000760_z2 already exists - ignoring climate.upstairs