Jablotron JA-80 series and JA-100 series alarm integration

Yes, in case of binded section all of them use full only (there isn’t any partial arming by b0/b1/b2) - at least what i saw (there probably could be a config which uses both… don’t know). Don’t know why it’s set like that but i saw three units using this system. Which could be explanation why some users had/have more issues then other ones (before 0.103 of course :smiley: ).

Didn’t sniff because of there wasn’t an alarm or just didn’t catch the right string? :laughing:

Ad the 21, 23, i assume the 2x is the important part, so in case of partially armed section (by b0) it also can be 22 (just guessing)

So I guees you want only one section (the main) in HASS ?

Oh, if I trigger alarm I can sniff it? :slight_smile:

I make sense - it’s could be probably the same as “arming” states where 8x means arming and x2/x3 the type of arming

Well it’s probably another thing which should be implemented :smiley: And therefore yaml would be necessary, to be able to specify which is a zone with partial arming and what is the main zone with other zones binded as subzones.
But i think it’s not a problem to have 6 zones, which 2 of them are main and each of them have 3 subzones.
For example, my system has 3 zones, 1st one is main (basically empty), 2nd represents PIRs, 3rd represents magnets. 3rd is zone used for armed_home.

Yes, if you trigger the alarm you are able to sniff the packets.

Exactly. That’s what i’ve meant. :slight_smile:


  • when you use arm_home on 1st zone:
    1st zone is armed_home
    2nd zone is disarmed
    3nd zone is armed_away

  • when you use arm_away on 1st zone - all zones are armed

Do I understand it correctly?

It looks I have 4x (42 or 43) packet for triggered alarm.

No, 4x (42 or 43) packet means pending.

1x meens triggered. 12 (partly) and 1b (full)

I have 1b 41 so probably 41 may be sensor that triggered the alarm.

I’ve implemented it :slight_smile:

When i want armed_away, i use armed_away on 1st zone:
1st zone is armed_away (instantly armed)
2nd zone is armed_away (arming → armed)
3nd zone is armed_away (arming → armed)

When i want to use arm_home, i use armed_away on 3rd zone (applicable on the 2nd as well):
1st zone is disarmed
2nd zone is disarmed
3nd zone is armed_away (arming → armed)

Basically, i saw 1st zone reports states only disarmed(01)/armed(03)/disarmed with error(21)/armed with error(23)

I noticed an email with your post and was about to say that but you were faster. Yes, it’s pending. :rofl:

Nice. I thought so but i’ve tried multiple sensors and got everytime the same byte after 1b (BUT it could be caused by source’s ID which in my case is probably expansion board with simple inputs / if you have addresable sensors, it could be ID of a specific sensor - don’t know).

I’m about to get to a system which is used for two seperate flats, one uses wireless sensors (each probably should have own address) and sensor with camera :smirk:, the second flat has wired sensors. Each of them have own alarm panel and siren. And God knows how the zones are configured. So i think we will have another ton of input informations. :slight_smile:

Anyway thanks for your code! I’m glad i won’t have to learn programing for my own attempt of modifying/rebuilding this integration! :sweat_smile:

Not to mention sensor’s part which will be another whole mess. :rofl: (just kidding but it’s pretty funny as well)

Just curious… Does it not work automatically ? If you send “arm away” packet to 1st zone, 2nd/3rd stay disarmed?

It does work automatically (that’s what i meant by binded ) As soon as you send a0, first zone is armed instantly and other zones start an arming delay.

What about discord? I think it could be handy even for others and for sharing sniffing info. :slight_smile:

EDIT: It’s almost like a half-baked solution in case of some sort of limits of a partial arming.

hi… I can’t seem to find it in the “new integration” do I need to do something first?

  1. Download GitHub - kukulich/home-assistant-jablotron100: Home Assistant custom component for JABLOTRON 100+ alarm system (green button “Code” and “Download zip”
  2. Create folder custom_components in your config directory.
  3. Copy the folder jablotron100 from the zip to this folder
  4. Restart HA
  5. “Jablotron” should be available in the integrations UI

I’m using the latest HA and it works.

okay that did it :slight_smile: but when I add the integration it ask for /dev/hidraw2 and pin, and then I just get a message saying “Aborted”

There should be probably something in the log.

image i was running the old Jablotron costum component without any problems, so i know it’s the right port

Please enable “debug” error level - there should more info then.

is this right ? image

It may be better to use:

  default: error
    custom_components.jablotron100: debug

okay then I get this

Ok, thanks. I probably understand. Will do an update with more debug so we can try to solve this together.

Please try new version. There’s one new debug.

Please send the debug as text then.

just uploaded the new version, but it’s the same error