Jablotron JA-80 series and JA-100 series alarm integration

Yes, there should be the same error but packet info should be logged.

Did you clear the __pycache__ directory?

Iā€™ve just pushed new version. Please try.

after some time I now have the time to play with this agin :slight_smile: just updated to the lastest release, and tried to add the intergration again, but I still having trouble, I put in /dev/hidraw2 and pin, and the dosenā€™t do anything, and I got the following in the log

I do still have my custom_component jablotron_system, do I have to remove that before trying your intergration?

Iā€™m not sure but itā€™s possible that it does not work when both integrations share the same port.

just tried removing the other addon, and now I get the following in the log, any ideas ?

Is the integration working or not? This packet is enabled always in debug.

Could you please post the packet as text?

if i go to integration and add Jablotron100 it starts and ask for port and pincode, i then enter the port used with the old one /dev/hidraw2 then nothing happens, not sure what you mean by post packets as text

You posted the packet from logs as image. I can check it but itā€™s difficult nowā€¦

2020-09-24 19:15:53 DEBUG (ThreadPoolExecutor-6_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] 4008024a412d3130364b0010f50000000000000098290010000000000c0000000100000095d40000000000006c0400100b00000004460010000000006d540300

Do you have JA-106K ? I will prepare new version to support it. The integration currently allow only JA-101

yes it is a JA-106K so thats why :frowning:

Try latest version https://github.com/kukulich/home-assistant-jablotron100/

Weā€™ll see if it works.

thank you thank you thnak youā€¦ this is so cool :slight_smile: so easy to have all zones, really great work:-)
one question why canā€™t I see any text in some of the boxes

Thereā€™s currently only english and czech translation. What language do you use?

danish language :slight_smile: I will just change to English :slight_smile: the device match the device number in flink??

If you translate this file to danish, you will have danish version: home-assistant-jablotron100/jablotron100/strings.json at 0225910c1cd363b8cabfac98b5f0582dbe1e38ab Ā· kukulich/home-assistant-jablotron100 Ā· GitHub

If you send it to me, Iā€™ll add it to next version :slight_smile:


ok so if I have 25 devices I need to them in the ordre as in flink? the picture is some of the devices I have, what do I do with device 9 and 10 there are no devices on that place

Yes, you have to match the same order. For 9 and 10 just choose ā€œotherā€ - ā€œotherā€ is ignored currently.

super :-)ā€¦ I have translated to danish, what do I do with the file??

Put it to ā€œtranslationsā€ folder: https://github.com/kukulich/home-assistant-jablotron100/tree/master/jablotron100/translations
I think the right name for danish should be da.json