Jablotron JA-80 series and JA-100 series alarm integration

Yes the code is 6digits number…
I will have a look at the USBCap.
Thank you for your support. Very appreciated

okay i have it all working at home, now we have started a project at work with home assistant, here we also is using Jablotron 100 but here we have 107 devices, is there a way to have more than 36 devices ??

The last version should support 120 devices - I hope. Only the form during installation does not show “labels” for more than 36 inputs. However it should work.

Using this plugin for a few weeks now for my Ja-80 system and i have a few questions
1: i can’t disarm the system if the alarm is triggerd when i acces a delayed zone. is this normal?

2: used the following automation:

  - entity_id: alarm_control_panel.jablotron_alarm
    platform: state
    to: triggered
  condition: []
  - data_template:
      message: ALARM! {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.triggered_by }}
    service: notify.notify

when the alarm is going off i get the message Alarm! None

i 'am using the next configuration:

  - platform: jablotron
    serial_port: /dev/hidraw0 
    code: !secret alarm_code
    code_panel_arm_required: False
    code_panel_disarm_required: True
    code_arm_required: False
    code_disarm_required: True
      1: "Sensor1"
      2: "Sensor2"
      3: "Sensor3"
      4: "Sensor4"
      5: "Sensor5"
      6: "Sensor6"
      7: "Sensor7"
      8: "Sensor8"
      9: "Sensor9"
      10: "Sensor10"
      13: "Sensor13"
      14: "Sensor14"

There should be already support for 6-8 digits code in last version.

@kukulich Hi, please, do you support JA-107K with your new integration? Thanks!

Yes, it was tested with one user and it should work.

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Had the JA-103KRY installed yesterday. Today connected it to Home Assistant using the HACS integration.
I can confirm that the integration works.
I was able to completely arm my system, I can also see sensors for doors, windows, motion, glass breaking and smoke. They all report and change status when changed.

I do have a question:
In F-Link I have 3 sections: Full, Night and Emergency.
Forget Emergency. Full arms all sensors including 2 motion sensors and has an delay for leaving. Night arms all sensors except for the two motion sensors. It arms instantly.
In Home assistant I can see three entities for the different sections.
I assume the third one is for the Emergency and the first two are for Full and Night.
However, with both entities when I only seem to be able to fully arm the system and not set the system in the night mode.
F-Link is set up like this:

ID’s 12 and 13 are the motion sensors.

Would love to get some advice on this.
And thanks for all the work put into this by everyone.

Nevermind. Got the night mode to work. Had to use arm_night instead of arm_home…duh.

One more thing to solve: When I set the night mode on the Jablotron keypad or with the iOS app it arms immediately. With arm_night from HA it has the leaving delay.

Will search a bit, but if someone knows the way to set this that would be great.

I can probably prepare option so you can choose if partly armed meens “night” or “home” for you.

Can you try to set the night mode in F-Link? Is it armed immediately or with delay?

Btw JA-103KRY should have LAN. Can you try to disconnect the LAN for a while? The integration in HA should log some errors. Thanks :slight_smile:

I can probably prepare option so you can choose if partly armed meens “night” or “home” for you.

Not needed for me specifically, thank you. It works now.

Mmm, that’s interesting. It does the same delay from F-Link.

So I guess that means that it’s simply not possible?

It may be possible but we are not able to sniff the right packet… :frowning:

Did you see my note about LAN?

I have same issue with my setup. Anybody know how to setup sensor names correctly ?

I am very interested in connection using LAN and not the USB cable. Will it be possible to use the LAN? Thank you.

Sorry, overlooked that. Yes, the 103KRY has LAN.
What log messages are you looking for, specifically? Just general ones, due to the LAN disconnect or messages related to the issue I stated with the delay?

I will get you some log info.

The jablotron100 integration should log some errors, I’m looking for them.

No, it’s not possible.

Not quite sure whether this is helpful in any way…

I’ve set logger to the following:

  default: error
    custom_components.jablotron100: debug

Then I checked the logs under supervisor/system
Nothing about Jablotron in the supervisor log, nor in the core log.

Then I disconnected the LAN cable and used my key fob to partially lock and unlock the system. The core log reports:

2020-10-22 18:27:01 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] Unknown state packet of device 13: 5509a69d4003106c123e1000012000000000010000000100ffff3455002083a9050843b30308d40c04080000002101000000841f0120
2020-10-22 18:32:21 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] Unknown state packet of device 13: 5509a69d40035081323e100000410120d8460120f500000000000000914601200c00000000000000841f01209f37050800000000841f01209c4701200b000000
2020-10-22 18:34:15 DEBUG (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] State packet of other: 55090aa5c003e188523e1300000000000000914601200c00000000000000841f01209f37050800000000841f01209c4701200b000000
2020-10-22 18:34:20 DEBUG (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] State packet of other: 55090ca7c0033189723e0b0000000000000000000043012000000000010000000100ffff3455002083a9050843b30308d40c04080000002101000000841f0120
2020-10-22 18:34:38 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] Unknown state packet of device 12: 5509be990003608a923e110000000000000000000043012000000000010000000100ffff3455002083a9050843b30308d40c04080000002101000000841f0120
2020-10-22 18:35:00 DEBUG (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] State packet of unknown device: 5508070c443ab08bb2be5122210001000100070007000700070007000700070007000700070007000700070000d00008d40c04080000002101000000841f0120
2020-10-22 18:36:07 DEBUG (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] State packet of other: 55090aa5c0035190d23e095122a20082000100070007000700070007000700070007000700070007000700070004d00000000000841f01209c4701200b000000
2020-10-22 18:36:07 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] Unknown state packet for section 1: 5122a20082000100070007000700070007000700070007000700070007000700070004d000000000841f01209f37050800000000841f01209c4701200b000000
2020-10-22 18:36:12 DEBUG (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] State packet of other: 55090ca7c003b190f23e080000410120d8460120f500000000000000914601200c00000000000000841f01209f37050800000000841f01209c4701200b000000
2020-10-22 18:36:58 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] Unknown state packet of device 12: 5509be9900039093123f1000000000000000914601200c00000000000000841f01209f37050800000000841f01209c4701200b000000

Is this helpful, if not, please advise on what else you need.

Perfect. Thank you.

What are devices 12 and 13 ? It looks they are not supported currently - does these devices report their states? And what is device 15 ?

Thank you for your answer.

I will try to use something as a proxy over the LAN between rPI with HA and the Jablotron (with another rPi with the USB connection to it). I’ve already found that it is possible and it should be very easy. I will post the how-to later (probably this weekend, I am too excited to try it) here if someone will be interested.

Thank you for your work on the integration.