Jablotron JA-80 series and JA-100 series alarm integration

it’s done … thank you so much for the help you did a great job with this :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

I think there are some bugs for 106 - I will try to fix them.

Could you please send me the da.json?

I have uploade the file to your repo

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i’m following this topic for a while with the purpose to figure out how to integrate my oasis 80 with HA.

if i understand correctly the idea behind this integration is to use the external bus over USB and one constraint is that i have to provide the master code in order to send/receive data.

is it correct?

thank you for the aid in let me understanding.

I hope I’ve just fixed some bugs, please test the latest version.

It depends. You can arm/disarm only with user code. However if you want to report devices states (eg. detect motion) to HA you really need admin code.

That’s how it works for JA-101. It may be little different for oasis.

I use the JA-80T Serial USB interface to connect to a Jablotron Oasis JA-82K system. The communication protocol used by the JA-80T is completely different to what I’ve seen in other HASS Jablotron implementations so far. The JA-82T also exposes itself as a true serial device instead of an HID as the JA-80T does.

Took a while to reverse engineer the protocol, but have identified all required commands and events for the initial integration with HASS and used mattsaxon/HASS-Jablotron80 repo as a starting point. It’s still an early version and work in progress, but have successfully tested arming, disarming from HASS and also alarm trigger and cancelling alarms works in this version. Will do some further testing shortly.

Please give a shout if anyone is planning to use this with a JA-80T. You can find the repo here: github.com/fwpt/HASS-Jablotron80-T


Thank you for the reply. I wonder if it’s possible to collect the devices states using the internal bus instead of the external one.
in the manual of the JA-81E hard-wired keypad there are the instructions to connect the keypad to the main board. it could be possbile to use the internal or the external bus:

- Use a twisted-pair cable (+U and GND is one pair and data A and B is
the second, length max. 100m) for final keypad installation. The
correspondingly marked terminals in the keypad unit and in the control
panel should be connected together (GND, A, B, +U).

- Use a flat four-wire telephone cable with RJ connectors (max. 10
metres) but only for temporary (test) installation. There is a digital bus
connector called LINE in the control panel, and in the keypad too.

Since i’m able to see the status of the sensors connected to the main board from the diplay of the key pad when the system is not armed i think it should be possible to use the internal bus without storing the keys somewhere.

i wonder if the JA-68 universal output module can be combined with an ESP2886 to send the data to home assistan like an additional keypad display.

do you think it’s possible in some way?

thank you, vi

can you share more info/code about this?

Using this great plugin with my jablotron 80 and is working great.

I have one issue, i 'am using a raspberry pi with the ja-82t and it’s recognised as a /dev/hidraw0 device.
on this device only root has access, so i looked add my other usb devices and on those devices the dialout group has rights. so i changed the rights this way:
chown root:dialout hidraw0
chmod 660 hidraw0
This is working, only does not survive a reboot, how can i change the rights that it survives a reboot?

I am about to have a ja-103kry installed. Would this custom component be able to support that as well? That would really be awesome.

You can try the latest version. It’s untested so we will see if it works.

HI there!
I have tried to use this integration with JA-106K. Reporting of system/section/Pir status works great, but I have a problem to arm/disarm system from HA. I tried to do so with Administrator code and also with Service code, what leads to ‘Attempts to enter code exceeded’ sabotage alarm. Am I doing anything wrong? Logger doesnt shows any problem


Do you use latest version of integration?

Installed yesterday through HACS so I hope so…

Please try this:

  1. Open file custom_components/jablotron100/jablotron.py
  2. Find method _is_small_central_unit - it should be on line 574
  3. Modify the return to only return True
  4. Delete custom_components/jablotron100/__pycache__ folder
  5. Restart HA

Thanks, I will try in the evening… Does it matter what type of code is used for arm/disarm? I mean, can I use administrator code or it has to be just user code?

It should work with user code.

So I have changed the ‘‘return’’ value in the code, deleted folder, restarted HA but stil the same, arm/disarm doesnt work. When the ‘return’ value was default, I got log:

2020-10-07 16:19:26 DEBUG (ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] 4008024a412d3130364b0010f50000000000000098290010000000000c0000000100000095d40000000000006c0400100b00000004460010000000006d540300

Now, with ‘return True’ without any log…

That’s ok. This debug line is only during installation.

One idea… Does your code contain only numbers? There’s no support probably for something else…

I can fix support for you, if you can sniff the right packets with USBCap, see Jablotron JA-80 series and JA-100 series alarm integration - #52 by Marcel1