Jablotron JA-80 series and JA-100 series alarm integration

@kukulich Thanks for the quick answer.
I indeed see an entry in the logging when triggering the garage doors:

2020-12-15 15:01:00 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] Unknown state packet of device 13: 5509229e40030004ef3914000b00000014000000b82a00100000000000000000702a001089d3000000000000700400100b0000008445001000000000dd600300
2020-12-15 15:03:48 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] Unknown state packet of device 13: 5509229c4003000f0f3a14000000b82a00100000000000000000702a001089d3000000000000700400100b0000008445001000000000dd600300

Can you use the information to solve my issue?

Big thanks in advance!

EDIT: I didnā€™t see there was a new version available. The above error is eliminated after activating the new version.

Frans, I also use serial communication and have done quite some work in figuring out all the status, beeps, how to send commands and stuff which might be similar to what youā€™re building. Have a look here: https://github.com/fwpt/HASS-Jablotron80-T
Although Iā€™m using the JA-80T Serial USB interface, the output will be identical to what youā€™re capturing with your serial connection so some of my code might be helpful to you.

I tried to determine the algorithm for the check digit, but failed to find a match. I tried sum, weighted sum, xor and then some but none seem to fit. Maybe it is not even a check digit. Most of the peripherals are battery powered and do not have the processing power to use sophisticated crcā€™s.

I already found your solution. I simply emulate a keypad so I donā€™t need to decode all messages. My main problem was flow control on the RS485 bus. Even with my diy device as the only device on the bus, communication was initially hit and miss. Now with waiting for the 0xA0 response for max 1 second and resending the key code if no acknowledgement received within that time, communication is 100% OK. The device is essentially the Jablotron MQTT bridge you mentioned in the description of your solution.

Hi all,

I have a Jablotron JA-106-3G and I configured it in home assistant (installed on raspberry pi 4) using the USB cable.
How can I extent it to MQTT communication without using any wiring?

Thanks in advance

Is there a reason why i canā€™t see my devices of my Jablotron 80?
I used the mastercode but i dinā€™t see any of the sensors.

My config:

  - platform: jablotron
    serial_port: /dev/hidraw1
    code: !secret mastercode
    code_panel_arm_required: True
    code_panel_disarm_required: True
    code_arm_required: True
    code_disarm_required: True
      1: "Sensor1"
      2: "Sensor2"
      3: "Sensor3"
      4: "Sensor4"
      5: "Sensor5"
      6: "Sensor6"
      7: "Sensor7"
      8: "Sensor8"
      9: "Sensor9"
      10: "Sensor10"
      13: "Sensor13"
      14: "Sensor14"
      15: "sensor15" 

There are 14 devices but 12 is empty.

Iā€™m having major struggles with this.
I have a JA-82K control panel, and a JA-82T USB Cable connected to a Macbook running HASS in a VirtualBox.

However, I simply cannot get the integration to work. Olink works fine, however, my Log always gives the this error on the integration:

Unexpected error: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/dev/hidraw1'

As far as I can see, Iā€™m using the correct port, as this is what I get when I check the status of my HIDā€™s

So this is where Iā€™m currently stuck. Any help would truly be appriciated!

Iā€™m having an issue. Iā€™ve installed Jablotron80 custom component GitHub - mattsaxon/HASS-Jablotron80: Home Assistant integration to support Jablotron series 80 control panels and this is my configuration:

  - platform: jablotron
    serial_port: /dev/hidraw0
    code: !secret jablotron80_arm_code
    code_panel_arm_required: False
    code_panel_disarm_required: False
    code_arm_required: False
    code_disarm_required: False

However in the developer tools I get this:

code_format: null
changed_by: null
code_arm_required: true
triggered_by: null
friendly_name: Jablotron Alarm
supported_features: 15

For some reasons code_arm_required: true the configuration is not respected. Furthermore I canā€™t use with Alexa because I suspect that the arm required true property is not supported.

Iā€™ve dropped that custom component in favour of a newer one GitHub - tahvane1/jablotron80: Jablotron 80 integration for Home assistant

Now I can disarm properly the alarm and the configuration is correctly mapped.

Is anyone able to arm/disarm Jablotron80 through Alexa? Jablotron is added as device there but when I select it as device in a routine it says - the device is currently not supported.

Definitely interested
Also got an 80 series
Will try this out!

Has anyone already connected successfully with ja80-t cable?

Hello, I have JA-107KR. All of you connect HA directly to alarm (USB)? I want to use JA-121T, witch give me less informations but I think that this is more safe.
Will this integration work with JA-121T? If no, can you point me where to start?

Ok actually Iā€™ve solved by arming the alarm via a custom action on an alexa routine.

You need to implement the RS485 protocol. I stumbled upon a library a few weeks ago since I was considering the JA-121T as well: GitHub - tomvit/jablon: Jablotron 100+ software tools

NB: In the end, I opted for USB + the four input/four output module. An Arduino with Firmata now communicates with this I/O module to trigger an alarm from Home Assistant.

Iā€™m trying to implement basic communication over ESPhome.

Hi @mazzy
Good going. I have a 80 series too and wanted to know whether you are able to get status of all sensors (wired and wireless) while the alarm is not armed?
Would really appreciate more details on your install. How connected what are you able to Automate etcā€¦

This is GitHub - tahvane1/jablotron80: Jablotron 80 integration for Home assistant

no you cannot pull the state of the sensors when the alarm is not armed.

Hi @mazzy

Status of door sensors are reported to the panel irrespective of activation status; why isnā€™t it then available?

Have you tried putting the panel in Service Mode?

Are you then able to pull the status of all sensors?

They are reported on the panel in Service Mode.

I meant to say that when the alarm is not armed the state of the sensors is always off.