Jablotron JA-80 series and JA-100 series alarm integration

I also have som problems with devices, sometime they are working and some time there not,
I can see they are working if I have open F-link on my computer

still want that dump? just seen your message

Hey is there no one working on this project anymore?
I am having trouble with all my sensors and pir’s they only working for awhile and then I have to connect to with f-link, I tried leaving f-link running on one of my servers to see if that could keep it alive but f-link will crash after a day if I am not using it.
Really hope someone is still working on this, this is such a good project.

Last thing the other day I tried setting up a backend and a frontend Hassio so I could move my Hassio to another room, I have followed the MQTT guide and the alarm is working on the backend but it is not working on my frontend, MQTT should be working on both, any ideas what I am doing wrong?? I can’t see anything in the log


Hi, just out of curiosity, does “code_disarm_required” work for you? I have similar issues like you and additionaly my keypad in HA doesn’t require anything to dis/arm (kinda pointless then for security :grinning:)

If this project is still active, I have the same problem as @soylant, it seems…
I would be happy to provide logs, etc.

All my devices seem to add properly, but I only get an updated status from my magnets one or two times before all binary sensors from the integration stop updating, I’m using the JA-100 integration by @plaksnor.

It does seem to run permanently when F-Link is active on, for example, my machine - but as @soylant said, that is not a great solution.

#EDIT: Scratch that! F-Link actually does not seem to change the situation.
It seems a bit picky about when it “wants” to update my binary sensors.
Not quite sure where to start the troubleshooting for this, as it seems my raw hexdump updates every time a sensor is triggered.

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@hsk-dk are you running JA-100 (or JA-101-LAN) or JA-80?

I am running JK-101 DK GSM/LAN

I have JA-106K-LAN, some PIR sensore have address ,New unknown 5508 packet: 80 81 80 01,
I managed to find them and write them in the yaml after editing code :

                    if byte3 in (b'\x00', b'\x01', b'\x80', b'\x81'):

I haven’t unable make the status of all sensors work. It would be possible to control the other zones, for example to disarm / arm a garage ?

That is weird - mine started adding sensors as soon as I triggered them after setup.
Are you getting any output when trying to hexdump the serial (USB) cable?

Hello, i just now rewrite code for my jablotron JA-106K-LAN, status of sensors work fine when i have open f-link. When i close f-link, only first activation on sensor work. Next activation not working.

You say that you have rewrite the code? What code is that, I it a fix of losing sensors?

i moddify line 323 to: if packet[:2] == b'\xd8\x08' or (packet[:2] == b'\xd8\x03'):
line 383 : if byte3 in (b'\x00', b'\x01', b'\x28', b'\x80', b'\x81'):
line 387: if byte4 in (b'\x6d', b'\x74', b'\x75', b'\x78', b'\x79', b'\x7d', b'\x80', b'\x81', b'\x84', b'\x85', b'\x88', b'\x8c'):

did you change this in binary_sensor.py? also does this fix the issus with the sensor status?

yes i change in jablotron_system/binary_sensor.py. I found binary code for my sensors in logs. you may need to make adjustments for each user based on the output. When i have open f-link, status of sensor works fine.

but is it still works when closing f-link?

when i close f-link. status stop working :confused:

okay then it is the same :frowning:

I am afraid hexdump is a bit out of my league.
and sorry for missing your reply:-(

0.103 breaks the integrations, a fix have been added to JA-80, and a PR is pending approval for the JA-100 integration.

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Thank you for very good job. I am use HASS only few days. I have few question. JA-100:

  • code with prefix (1*xxxx) not working, but i need code with prefix
  • any progres with alarm sections? I use three. I do not need control, just see the state.
  • PG, are you planning?