Jablotron JA-80 series and JA-100 series alarm integration

Hi all,
After 3 days of debugging, I detected a few things worth sharing with you. My installation is a JA-106.

If you use codes with prefix (1xxxx), just leave away the "" and enter code 1xxxx. F-Link and J-Link do not send the “*”. So in configuration.yaml, enter the code : without the star *

Pay attention which code you use. Things you cannot see because of access rights in J-Link or F-Link, you will not see them on console neither. Examples:

  • The normal user is unable to make a walk-through test, nor can he see the components, so he will not see the state of the sensors anywhere in F-Link or J-Link, so neither on console for HA.
  • An administrator user can make a walkthrough-test, but only part of the sensors are reported. Motion detectors do not show up, while Magnetic door and windows sensors do.
  • An Administrator cannot test PG-Outputs, while the builder account can.
  • The Builder of the Jablotron system has all user rights, so he is able to see all the sensors

For those who want to toggle PG -Outputs, send the command 52 02 0d followed by the 2 (on) or 4 (off), followed by the PG ID-1 ( e.g: set PG 10 on -> 52 02 0d 29)
As I have only 10 PG’s activated, I do not know what to send for PG 11 :wink:

I suppose that some of the status messages returned are compiled in binary format with sensors activated. There seems to be a difference on the length of those binary messages between JA-101 (14 characters) and JA106 series (30 characters). This seems logical because of the number of somponents supported which is bigger for JA-106 series
Have a look at the JA-121T documentation for guesses on what to sniff for future evolution.
We should also find a guess in here for timings :wink:

Some reported about a missing timeout on arming. Might have to do with an AES code that is used via /dev, if armed from an AES operator, no timeouts needed.

At the moment, HomeAssistant HA as well ass Python is new to me, so do not expect new code from my side :wink:

Not sure if i understand correctly but as an administrator i see motion detectors (state) in F-Link as well as they were loaded into my HA.

I have JA-101K + JA116H

Sorry for the missing precision, my detectors are external ones that are connected with a contact to a JA116H
I just retested with different users, and indeed, they do appear with the admin account too.

The problem is still to keep sensors active in HA they only work if F-link is running, and it is not possible to have F-link running on a server it will crash after some time.
Could this also be a user problem that only allow HA to see sensors when “walk through test” is enable??
Or has anyone solved this?

for you JA-106 owners out there,
check https://github.com/Horsi70/HASS-JablotronSystem/tree/JA-106-series-support
The sensors seem to work. Did not test the alarm set/unset part
I take no responibility for damage or not working alarm centrals :wink:

Hi all.

I want to thank everyone for their efforts. Does somebody managed to make this integration work with JA-107k?

I can confrim that the control panel works well…just there is no delay when arming…what is no issue for me.

The sensors seem to be inoperative even when they appear by first trigger. im a beginner home assistant user and have very basic programming skills. I learned a lot from this thread, many things are still not clear to me.

do i understand correctly that majority of people here are using 2 raspberrys(backend,frontend)? what if in my case im direcltly connected to alarm central (windows10 machine,hassio in virtualbox) and dont need remote host? Do i still need mqtt binary sesors and automation to make sensors work?

thank you and sorry for beginner question.

Mine is a laptop connected directly to the usb port of the JA-106K-AN. HA running from a Hass IO docker container on Ubuntu linux and works without mqtt.
Happy new year!

It’s working perfect, still wish we could have the sensors working all the time, and not only a few hours with f-link running.
Am I the only one having the problem with sensors stops working after a while. The control panel is always working

Working for 2 days now without F-Link on JA-106K-LAN

Sorry…bad interpretation. My english is very simple. :slight_smile:
I wanted to say that the sensors are showing up but not refereshing state. My bad. I see circa half of my sensors showing up in ha. 2 of them are always showing the “ON” state. I have 2 magnetic door sensors. But theyre entity id does not match with position (number) in J-link.
Later today i try to connect with f-link to see if i can make some progress.
Happy new year!

I actually made some progress. A remote connection with F-link makes all my sensors showing up in HA, except one wireless thermostat (on alarm central : JA-107KRY)
However not all sensors are refreshing state properly.
The 2 suspicious entities i mentioned in post before, displaying as always “ON” are PG-s connected to heating. :smile: I cant see other PG-s, just the ones connected to wired thermostats…(i have 11 pg-s)
My 2 door magnets showed up in HA too but not showing state. Iam so lost and so excited about this :slight_smile:
If i can provide any help or testing just message me.

I tested only with wired sensors as I have no wireless ones.
PG’s are no sensors per se. Found addresses on how to ask their state / set them, but not yet implemented.
I’m going to try this during the upcoming weeks, but PG’s cannot work today.

And about not working without F-link, you’re right. I changed a line on my installation which I forgot to update to github. Done so a few seconds ago. Try the https://github.com/Horsi70/HASS-JablotronSystem.git but not the Master Branch, take the JA-106-series-support branch.

Hope this helps

after I updated with your version, nothing is working anymore :frowning: not even the controlpanel that alway have been working. have I done something wrong?

And do you have same version of the Jablotron as @Horsi ? 106 is a bit different from 100.

yes it’s a JA-106K… funny thing, if i arm the alarm from my Phone i can see it in HA, but cannot arm or disarm from HA anymore.

The code for the alarm panel is the same as for the Jablotron 100 series with 1 exception:
The login sequence is modified and adopted to the 106 series. I have to admit that I never tested the alarm panel, because I was mainly interested in the contacts (doors, windows) status (open, closed).
I’ll have a look at the alarm panel during the week and will make some tests.
Keep you updated

sounds great, I could also live without the panel if we could get the sensors working without f-link :slight_smile:also I have 2 smoke detector if I try to trigger them with the f-link running, they don’t show up in HA, is this because they uses some other code??

What code are you guys using for in HA configuration is it a normal user or is it a administrator user?
You say that you have had the sensors working for 2 day, mine is only working with f-link open could this be user related? I am ready to donate to get this working :smile: would be so cool

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I am using my personal code… In f-link listed like Admin… I dont know if the alarm behavior is the same with service code. On the weekend i give it another try… But every time i end up with just 3 of my pir sensors refreshing. With f-link running of course. Without f-link i can see just my 3 thermostats working.

have you guys seen this?, there are also a guide how to make it work with Home Assistant